Grants, Awards and honors are important parameters for measuring scientific excellence.  At IMBA scientists are empowered to perform at their best and have demonstrated extraordinary achievements in research.


The European Research Council (ERC) was founded by the EU in 2007 to fund outstanding science. 10 years later, ERC grants stand out as the most prestigious award for high quality research in Europe. The sole selection criterion for an ERC grant is scientific excellence. The process is so competitive that only 11% of applications are funded, however, at IMBA and the Vienna BioCenter the success rate is higher than 60%.

At IMBA several groups are funded by an ERC grant.

The Vienna BioCenter celebrates ERC's 10-year anniversary


Election to EMBO Membership is recognition of research excellence and the outstanding achievements made by a life scientist. 85 EMBO Members and Associate Members have been awarded Nobel Prizes. The annual nominations and elections ensure that the membership remains at the forefront of life science research. The EMBO Membership currently comprises more than 1700 life scientists.

At IMBA, several Group leaders are elected EMBO members or were appointed EMBO Young Investigators.



Year Award Institution Person Group
2023PhD AwardVienna BioCenter PhD SymposiumCatarina Martins CostaKnoblich
2023Gilbert Family Foundation GrantThe Gilbert Family FoundationJürgen KnoblichKnoblich
2022ERC Starting GrantEuropean Research CouncilJachowicz JoannaJachowicz
2022ÖGMBT Basic Science PhD PrizeÖGMBTSchneider MaximilianGerlich
2022ERC Proof of Concept GrantEuropean Research CouncilRivron NicolasRivron
2022VBC PhD AwardVienna BioCenterSchneider MaximilianGerlich
2022ÖAW Seal of Excellence FellowshipAustrian Academy of SciencesDe Santis MartinaRivron
2022EMBO Reports Speaker PrizeEMBO ReportsBaumgartner LisaBrennecke
20221st Prize PhD WorkshopMicrosymposiumBaumgartner LisaBrennecke
2022Elected to Academia EuropaeaAcademia EuropaeaGerlich DanielGerlich
2022VBC Out of the Box AwardVienna BioCenterKrogull DanielBurga
2022VBC PhD AwardVienna BioCenterWald JiriMarlovits
2021VBC PhD AwardVienna BioCenterMitter MichaelGerlich
2021Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual FellowshipEuropean CommissionHeidari Khoei HeidarRivron
2021ERC Advanced Investigator GrantEuropean Research CouncilGerlich DanielGerlich
2021Prize of the City of ViennaCity of ViennaKnoblich JürgenKnoblich
2021VBC PhD AwardVienna BioCenterHofbauer PabloMendjan
2021Lise Meitner FellowshipAustrian Science Fund (FWF)Heidari Khoei HeidarRivron
2021Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual FellowshipEuropean CommissionCorsi FlaviaGoloborodko
2021Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual FellowshipEuropean CommissionGomez Fernandez LauraTachibana