Di, 29.06.2021 17:00

A New Area of Graphic Particularism? Lombardic Writing in the Adriatic Arc (7th-11th cent.)

Online Lecture by Sara Tucci – Inter-disciplinary Research Initiative "Epigraphik in der Hollandstraße"

Seizing the opportunity to bring together people in a way not geographically feasible in normal times, the lecture will be given as a Zoom meeting. Even a larger online attendance should not affect a free-for-all discussion, the floor being opened for comments and questions by all participants.

If you are planning to attend the lecture, please register via an email to
Andreas Zajic.

Those who have registered will receive an email with the Zoom link on the 28th.
We are keen to make the talk available to a broad audience, so please feel free to share the invitation with anyone you think might be interested.

We look forward to welcoming a large audience!
Best regards on behalf of “Epigraphik in der Hollandstraße”,


