Nadja Wallaszkovits studied Musicology and Audio Engineering in Vienna and has been working as sound engineer for national and international recording companies. In 1998 she joined the Phonogrammarchiv, where she manages the audio department as a specialist for audio restoration, re-recording and digital archiving. She is consultant for archival technology for various institutions and is guest lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Universities of Applied Sciences in Berlin and Berne. Nadja Wallaszkovits is Audio Engineering Society (AES) President Elect, Vice Chair of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), and a member of the IASA Training & Education Committee.
Key activities until September 2020: head of audio department. Collection management, digitization, re-recording and restoration, technical service, project management and supervision. On 1 October 2020, Nadja Wallaszkovits was appointed Professor of Conservation and Restoration of New Media and Digital Information at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. At the Phonogrammarchiv she was leading the HORIZON 2020 “NEMOSINE” project.