Mi, 29.04.2020 9:00

Cancelled / ‘Karl Kraus contra …’ – New perspectives on the legal documents from the office of Oskar Samek

The ACDH-CH is co-organizer of the conference organized by the Karl Kraus Legal Papers project hosted by the Vienna City Library.

This conference focuses the many court actions that the Austrian satirist Karl Kraus (1874-1936) was involved in in the course of his life. More than 200 cases spread across a time span of 15 years (1922–1936) are preserved in a collection held by the Vienna City Library. To date, these actions, which were documented by Kraus’ lawyer Oskar Samek (1889–1959), have not been thoroughly investigated by researchers. 

The conference aims to fill this gap. Experts in the field of Karl Kraus research, legal history, edition philology, and digital humanities will discuss these documents and the court cases from different perspectives. This cross-disciplinary approach will allow for new insights and approaches to be implemented in the digital edition project “Intertextuality in the Legal Papers of Karl Kraus - a digital scholarly edition”.


Full program on the Vienna City Library website


Admission is open to all and free of charge.

Please register by e-mailing to oeffentlichkeitsarbeit(at)wienbibliothek.at or calling +43 1 4000-84926.

This event is organized in cooperation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History and the Vienna City Library.






29. - 30. April 2020



Music collection of the Vienna City Library (“Loos-Räume”)
Bartensteingasse 9, 1. floor
1010 Vienna



Vanessa Hannesschläger


Full program



Vienna City Library

Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History

Karl Kraus Legal Papers project