Population pyramids by level of education for Singapore in 1970 (left) and 2015 (right) (WIC 2015)© - VID

Research Group Leader: Anne Goujon

The Population Data and Projections Demographic Data Lab focuses on population projections, the collection, and harmonization of demographic and education data, as well as the integration of both. The group expands methods of population projections by key demographic characteristics (age, gender, education, urban-rural residence) to include more parameters that are policy-relevant, such as health and labor force status, in addition to education. Furthermore, back projections by education level are developed to complement the WIC global population and human capital projections with historical trends, offering a 200-year perspective on population by educational attainment, as well as fertility, mortality, and migration by levels of education.

Currently research is being done under the following themes:



Reconstructing educational attainment of populations in the 20th century (Anniversary Fonds of ÖAW)


Past, present and future religious prospects in Vienna 1950 - 2050 (WWTF)