Hartmut Buescher, 2008
The Inception of Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda. (BKGA 62.) Wien: VÖAW, 2008 (order online). (229 S.)

Often designated as Yogācāra, Vijñānavāda, or Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda, the second comprehensive branch of philosophical development within Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism generated a large textual corpus of considerable conceptual heterogeneity. Confronting this evidence entails complex problems of understanding for contemporary buddhologists, not least when addressing important questions of synchronicity and diachronicity. While elaborating the fundamental need to historically distinguish between an Early Yogācāra phase and a subsequently evolving Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda phase (the latter sublating, yet assimilatively preserving, the former), the present monograph is mainly concentrated on critically investigating the most essential features of the Inception of Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda.