Eli Franco, 2004
The Spitzer Manuscript: The Oldest Philosophical Manuscript in Sanskrit. (BKGA 43.) Wien: VÖAW, 2004 (order online). (352 S.)

The Spitzer Manuscript is one of the oldest Sanskrit manuscripts found on the Silk Road. The work preserved in it is unique; no further manuscripts of it have been discovered so far, nor is it transmitted in Tibetan or Chinese translations. The present volume contains an introduction which summarizes previous research and discusses grammatical, lexical and palaeographical aspects of the work, together with an outline of its content. It is followed by a complete facsimile edition of the fragments accompanied by transliterations. These are supplemented by transcriptions of some fragments which are no longer available, recovered from the estate of the Indologist Dr. Moritz Spitzer. A concordance juxtaposes the earlier and present-day arrangements of the fragments, and an extensive character table documents the peculiarities of the Kuṣāṇa-Brāhmã script used in the manuscript. A complete word index and a study which aims at reconstructing the last part of the manuscript conclude the volume. As well as Buddhist scholastics the work also deals with a number of non-Buddhist topics, such as a theory of Vaiśeṣika qualities completely unknown from other sources it contains, inter alia, the oldest list of books of the Mahābhārata and an enumeration of the sixty-four arts and sciences. The last part of the work is devoted to dialectics.