
Rethinking Media Law and Policy for Europe

Krisztina Rozgonyi is part of the research project led by the University of Amsterdam on  “Rethinking Media Law and Policy for Europe”. The project brings together experts from various fields to address systemic issues of the current media landscape and recommend new avenues in news, media and online platform regulation in the EU around the main thematic pillars of

  • Constitutional and Institutional Changes and Challenges
  • Public Interest, Quality, Pluralism – Regulatory Questions
  • Financial Sustainability and Press Publishers’ Right
  • Technology Impact – Platforms and AI

Krisztina Rozgonyi is contributing to Work Package 2: Lessons from the AVMSD for an Integrated Approach to EU Media Law, which rethinks the Audiovisual Media Services Directive’s approach to media regulation in light of digital transformation, the quest for economically viable public interest content and the distribution of competences between the EU and its Member States. Her research on ‘Media Policy Transfer in Europe: Mission Failing’ investigates policy transfer in digital audiovisual media in candidate and potential candidate countries of the EU.

On Friday, October 6, at the conference "Rethinking Media Law and Policy for Europe", the project participant and other invitees will meet in Amsterdam to discuss developments in the field of news and media - from media diversity and quality journalism to platform regulation and generative AI - from different perspectives (fundamental rights, media law and copyright). CMC will be represented by Krisztina, who will present her research and CMC's contribution to the project.

Conference FLYER