
Maren Beaufort appointed to BCG Board

Maren Beaufort was appointed to advisory board of the Branded Content Research Hub`s BCG Project of the London College of Communication.

The relationships between media and advertising are changing as they converge. Brands are involved in the production of publisher-hosted content. Such non-traditional advertising, which blends brand messages with entertainment or information, grew faster than conventional advertising worldwide.

This Europe-wide comparative research project builds on collaboration and dialogue between those affected, and draws on an international network of academics.

Detailed, cross-national mapping will be provided of the emerging rules and practices for branded content across Europe and selected other countries. We will identify and examine how industry practitioners, regulators and stakeholders are managing and evaluating the process of creating and enforcing rules for fast-evolving practices. The research findings will inform policy-making, support governance initiatives, advance scholarship and aid wider public understanding and debate. It is aimed to provide important insights and recommendations for managing and regulating communications in the digital age.

Branded Content Research Hub

Branded Content Governance Project