Fr, 15.01.2021 – 15.01.2021

A Carved History: New Researches on Medieval Iranian Stucco (8th – 14th c.)

Online round table



Fragments of a panel in carved stucco from the Abbasid mosque of Afrasiyab/Samarkand Afrasiyab Museum, photo by S. Aube 2017

A Carved History: New Researches on Medieval Iranian Stucco (8th 14th c.)

Stucco (a common term for gypsum plaster) has been extensively used in the architectural decoration of religious and secular monuments in Iran from ancient times, and this tradition has continued after the Islamic conquest, with progressive changes in techniques and imagery. Nevertheless, several stucco corpora retrieved from key historical and archaeological sites across the medieval Persianate world remain understudied. It is only in recent years that some research projects have been launched to investigate these materials with the support of new technologies and cross-disciplinary collaborations. The online round table and the conference on January 22th, will provide an opportunity to discuss the methods, outcomes and perspectives of some recent studies, with the objective of enhancing the network of young and experienced scholars currently working on Iranian stuccoes.

Both events are organised within the framework of the research programme Cultural and Social History of Premodern Iran of the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (dir. Dr. Florian Schwarz).

Both meetings will be held online. Participation will be limited to a small audience, in order to facilitate the discussion. Students and colleagues who might be interested to attend can register with the convener, Viola Allegranzi (viola.allegranzi(at)


For a preliminary programme see: programme_carved history (PDF)





January 15, 2021
14.30 - 17.00

Online round table

Programme (PDF)