The ESQ fellowship has been an invaluable opportunity for pursuing independent research early in my scientific career, immersed in the highly stimulating environment of the Vienna quantum community.
Secondment possibilities are also encouraged, easing the exchange of ideas and the formation of new collaborations. The ESQ fellowship definitely helped me with the secondment opportunity to create a good connection with the quantum communication group at AIT. For that, I'm really thankful.
The ESQ Postdoc Fellowship from the Erwin Schrödinger Centre for Quantum Science & Technology has allowed me to professionally grow and formulate and pursue my own research interests. Simply without it I would not have been able to follow new career paths and find independence of my supervisors.
The ESQ postdoctoral fellowship has represented an important step in my scientific career since it offered me the unique opportunity to fully focus on research in a scientifically vibrant environment and establish new collaborations. It provided me enough flexibility to develop my research interests as well as being fully integrated in a leading research group worldwide. It also provides a generous training program and budget that helps the development of someone’s academic independence.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 801110.
ESQ has received funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).
ESQ Office
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna