The Climate and Air Quality Commission (KKL) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) dealt with the anthropogenic influences on the atmosphere and their effects on humans and ecosystems as well as the possibilities of reacting to these effects. This included in particular the topics climate and climate change as well as atmospheric trace substances and their effects on air quality. The Commission was established for the period 2019–2023. Concepts and tasks of the commission are summarized in a concept paper "Mission Statement & Vision 2030".

The following basic structure was set up to efficiently address key tasks, i.e. research, knowledge transfer, public relations and strategic topics. It served for implementation of the KKL mission (see "Mission Statement & Vision 2030"). Two overarching work areas were set up, WA Climate (“Work Area Climate”) and WA Air Quality (“Work Area Air Quality”). These were each managed by a KKL co-chair and supported by further KKL members with strong expertise in the respective area (WA Climate: Andrea Steiner, Leopold Haimberger; WA Air Quality: Wilfried Winiwarter, Anne Kasper-Giebl). For the period from 2019 to 2023, the two work areas under the overall leadership of the chairing team were responsible for the cross-organizational management of the committee tasks.

Within the framework of the commission's activities on all topics and fields of action of the "Mission Statement & Vision 2030", content-related work was promoted, especially on clearly defined common focus topics (Joint Foci – JFs), for which coordinators were appointed (JF Coordinators). Scientific JFs and strategic JFs were defined for 2019–2023 as follows:

Scientific JFs

Strategic JFs 

The KKL was involved in Austrian research priorities at various institutions. "Structural embedding of the KKL".



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Kaser i.R. (Obmann der KKL)

Institut für Atmosphären- und Kryosphärenwissenschaften (ACINN)
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52f
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 (0)512 507-54457

Deputy Chairwoman:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea K. Steiner (Stv. Obfrau)

Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel (WEGC)
Universität Graz
Brandhofgasse 5
8010 Graz, Austria

Tel: +43 (0)316 380-8432
UNI Graz


Deputy Chairman:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried WINIWARTER (Stv. Obmann)

Verringerung von Luftverschmutzung und Treibhausgasen
Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse
Schlosssplatz 1
A-2361 Laxenburg

Tel: +43 (0)2236 807 479