Univ. Prof. Dr. Marianne POPP

Vienna Ecology Centre
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Vienna
Althanstr. 14
1091 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43 (0)1 4277-76670 (-76661)
Fax: +43 (0)1 4277-7757690
Mobile: +43 (0)664 60277-76670
List of publications
List of publications
1. POPP, M. 1975: Mineral- und Säurestoffwechsel einiger Kulturpflanzen bei unterschiedlicher mineralischer Ernährung. Phil. Diss. Univ. Wien, pp. 187.
2. ALBERT, R. und POPP M. 1977: Chemical composition of halophytes from the Neusiedler Lake region in Austria. Oecol. (Berl.) 27, 157-170.
3. ALBERT, R. und POPP M. 1978: Zur Rolle der löslichen Kohlenhydrate in Halophyten des Neusiedlersee-Gebietes (Österreich). Oecol. Plant. 13, 27-42.
4. POPP, M. 1978: Kationenaufnahme und Säurestoffwechsel in Wurzeln einer calcicolen (Vicia faba) und einer calcifugen (Lupinus luteus) Pflanze bei unterschiedlichen K/Ca-Verhältnissen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 91, 623-633.
5. POPP, M. und ALBERT R. 1980: Freie Aminosäuren und Stickstoffgehalt in Halophyten des Neusiedlersee-Gebietes. Flora 170, 229-239.
6. POPP, M. und KINZEL H. 1981: Changes in the organic acid content of some cultivated plants induced by mineral ion deficiency. J. Exp. Bot. 32, 1-8.
7. POPP, M. und R. ALBERT 1981: Jahreszeitlich und altersbedingte Variationen im Stickstoffhaushalt von Halophyten. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 94, 171-180.
8. POPP, M., OSMOND C.B., and SUMMONS R.E. 1982: Pathway of malic acid synthesis in response to ion uptake in wheat and lupin roots: evidence from fixation of 13C and 14C. Plant Physiol. 69, 1289-1292.
9. WOLNER, CH., NEUGEBAUER H. und POPP M. 1982: Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei idioplastischen Skoliosen. In "Die Skoliose", Meznik, F. und Böhler, N. (eds.), Buchreihe f. Orthop. und Orthop. Grenzgebiete (K.F.SCHLEGEL), BD 5, Verlag Uelzen.
10. POPP, M. 1983: Genotypic differences in the mineral metabolism of plants adapted to extrem habitats. Plant and Soil 72, 261-273.
11. OSMOND, C.B., and POPP M. 1983: The balance of malate synthesis in response to ion uptake in excised wheat roots. Plant Science Letters 32, 115-123.
12. POPP, M., and SUMMONS R.E. 1983: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and amino acid metabolism in roots. Physiol. Veg. 21, 1083-1089.
13. POPP, M. 1984: Chemical composition of Australian mangroves. I. Inorganic ions and organic acids. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 113, 395-409.
14. POPP, M. 1984: Chemical composition of Australian mangroves. II. Low molecular weight carbohydrates. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 113, 411-421.
15. POPP, M., LARHER F., and WEIGEL P. 1984: Chemical composition of Australian mangroves. III. Free amino acids, total methylated onium compounds and total nitrogen. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 114, 15-25.
16. NEUGEBAUER, H., WOLNER CH. und POPP M. 1984: Mineral- und Aminosäurestoffwechsel bei idiopathischen Skoliosen, 1. Teil. Orthopädische Praxis 20, 3-24.
17. NEUGEBAUER, H., WOLNER CH. und POPP M. 1984: Mineral- und Aminosäurestoffwechsel bei idiopathischen Skoliosen, 2. Teil. Orthopädische Praxis 20, 77-111.
18. POPP, M., LARHER F., and WEIGEL P. 1985: Osmotic adaptation in Australian mangroves. Vegetatio 61, 247-253.
19. RÖSSNER, H., and POPP M. 1986: Ionic patterns in some Crassulaceae from Austrian habitats. Flora 178, 1-10.
20. STEWART; G.R., POPP M., HOLZAPFEL I., STEWART J.A., and DICKIE-ESKEW A. 1986: Localization of nitrate reduction in ferns and its relationship to environment and physiological characteristics. New Phytol. 104, 373-384.
21. STEWART, G.R., and POPP M. 1987: The ecophysiology of mangroves. In: Plant Life in Aquatic and Amphibious Habitat. British Ecological Society Special Symposium. Ed. R.M.M. CRAWFORD, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 333-345.
22. POPP, M. 1987: Osmotica in Amyema miquelii (Lehm ex. Mig.) Tieghem. and Amyema pendulum (Sieber ex Sprengel) Tieghem. (Loranthaceae) on different hosts. In "Parasitic Flowering Plants" (Proc. of the 4th ISPFP, Marburg 1987). Chr. WEBER and W. FORSTREUTER (eds.), 621-630.
23. RICHTER, A., and POPP M. 1987: Patterns of organic acids and solutes in Viscum album L. on 12 different hosts. In "Parasitic Flowering Plants" (Proc. of the 4th ISPFP, Marburg 1987). Chr. WEBER and W. FORSTREUTER (eds.), 709-714.
24. POPP, M., KRAMER D., LEE H., DIAZ M.; ZIEGLER H., and LÜTTGE U. 1987: Crassulacean acid metabolism in tropical dicotyledonous trees of the genus Clusia. Trees 1, 238-247.
25. MEDINA, E., CRAM W.J., LEE H.S.J., LÜTTGE U.; POPP M., SMITH J.A.C., and DIAZ M. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. I. Site description and plant communities. New Phytol. 111, 233-243.
26. LÜTTGE, U., MEDINA E., CRAM W.J., LEE H.S.J., POPP M., and SMITH J.A.C. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. II. Cactaceae. New Phytol. 111, 245-251.
27. LEE, H.S.J., LÜTTGE U., MEDINA E., SMITH J.A.C., CRAM W.J., DIAZ M., GRIFFITHS H., POPP M., SCHÄFER C., STIMMEL K.-H., and THONKE B. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. III. Bromelia humilis Jacq., a terrestrial CAM bromeliad. New Phytol. 111, 253-271.
28. GRIFFITHS, H., SMITH J.A.C., LÜTTGE U., POPP M., CRAM W.J., DIAZ M., LEE H.S.J., MEDINA E., SCHÄFER C., and STIMMEL K.-H. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. IV. Tillandsia flexuosa Sw. and Schomburgkia humboldtiana Reichb., epiphytic CAM plants. New Phytol. 111, 273-282.
29. LÜTTGE, U., POPP M., MEDINA E., CRAM W.J., DIAZ M., GRIFFITHS H., LEE H.S.J., SCHÄFER C., SMITH J.A.C., and STIMMEL K.-H. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. V. The Batis maritima-Sesuvium portulacastrum vegetation unit. New Phytol. 111, 283-291.
30. SMITH; J.A.C., POPP M., LÜTTGE U., CRAM W.J., DIAZ M., LEE H.S.J., MEDINA E., SCHÄFER C., STIMMEL K.-H., and THONKE B. 1989: Ecophysiology of xerophytic and halophytic vegetation of a coastal alluvial plain in northern Venezuela. VI. Water relations and gas exchange of mangroves. New Phytol. 111, 293-307.
31. POPP, M., and POLANIA J. 1989: Compatible solutes in different organs of mangrove trees. Ann Sci. For. 46, 857-859.
32. RICHTER, A., THONKE B., and POPP M. 1990: 1D-1-O-methyl-muco-inositol in Viscum album and members of Rhizophoraceae. Phytochem. 29, 1785-1786.
33. POPP, M., FELDL C., POLANIA J., and ASWATHAPPA N. 1990: Stress metabolites in Casuarina and other tropical trees. In: Fast growing trees and nitrogen fixing trees. Ed. D. WERNER and P. MÜLLER, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 202-207.
34. SOMMER, C., THONKE B., and POPP M. 1990: The compatibility of D-pinitol and 1D-1-O-methyl-muco-inositol with malate dehydrogenase activity. Bot. Acta 103, 270-273.
35. MEDINA, E., CUEVAS E., POPP M., and LUGO A. E. 1990: Soil salinity, sun exposure, and growth of Acrostichum aureum, the mangrove fern. Bot. Gaz. 151, 41-49.
36. BALL, E., HANN J., KLUGE M., LEE H.S.J., LÜTTGE U., ORTHEN B., POPP M., SCHMITT A., and TING I.P. 1991: Ecophysiological comportment of the tropical CAM-tree Clusia in the field. I. Growth of Clusia rosea Jacq. on St Jon, US Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles. New Phytol. 117, 473-481.
37. BALL, E., HANN J., KLUGE M., LEE H.S.J., LÜTTGE U., ORTHEN B., POPP M., SCHMITT A., and TING I.P. 1991: Ecophysiological comportment of the tropical CAM-tree Clusia in the field. II. Modes of photosynthesis in trees and seedlings. New Phytol. 117, 483-491.
38. POPP, M. 1991: Mangroven - Wälder der Gezeitenzone in Tropen und Subtropen. PdN-B. 2 (40), 16-21.
39. MEDINA, E., POPP M., LÜTTGE U., and BALL E. 1991: Gas exchange and acid accumulation in high and low irradiance grown pineapple cultivars. Photosynthetica 25, 489-498.
40. BALASUBRAMIAM, S., and POPP M. 1992: Mineral content and low melecular weight carbohydrates of leaflets of the mangrove fern Acrostichum aureum L. In: T. N. Bhardwaja and C. B. Gena (eds.) Aspect of Plant Science, Perspectives in Pteridology: Present and Future Vol. 14, 445–450. Today and Tomorrow’s Printers & Publishers, New Delhi (India).
41. RICHTER, A., and POPP M. 1992: The physiological importance of cyclitol-accumulation in Viscum album L. New Phytol. 121, 431-438.
42. MEDINA, E., POPP M., OLIVARES E., JANETT H.-P., and LÜTTGE U. 1993: Daily fluctuations of titratable acidity, content of organic acids (malate and citrate) and soluble sugars of varieties and wild relatives of Ananas comosus L, growing under natural tropical conditions. Plant, Cell & Environ. 16, 55-64.
43. POPP, M., POLANIA J., and WEIPER M. 1993: Physiological adaptations to different salinity levels in mangroves. In: H. LIETH and A. AL MASSOUM (eds.): Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant plants, Vol 1, Kluwer Acad. Publ. Dordrecht, 217-224.
44. ORTHEN, B., SIMON A., and POPP M. 1993: Changes in osmolyte content in 18 chickpea varieties (Cicer arietinum L.) during drought stress and rewatering. Angew. Bot. Ber., 5, 160-172.
45. POPP, M. 1993: Ecological aspects of nitrogen nutrition. Progress of Botany, Vol. 54, Springer Verlag 448-460.
46. POPP, M. 1994: Wie parasitisch sind die Misteln? Forschungs-Journal Westfälische Wilhelm-Universität Münster 1, 44-46.
47. ORTHEN, B., POPP M., and SMIRNOFF N. 1994: Hydroxyl radical scavening properties of cyclitols. Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., 102B, 269-272.
48. KRASENBRINK, A., POPP M. und DENKER B. 1994: Nektarzusammensetzung von Tilia tomentosa (Moench) und anderen Lindenarten/-hybriden. Z. Ökologie u. Naturschutz 3, 237-242.
49. POPP, M. and ALBERT R. 1995: The role of organic solutes in salinity adaptations of mangroves and herbaceous halophytes. In: M. A. KHAN, and I. A. UNGAR (eds.): Biology of Salt Tolerant Plants, University of Karachi, Pakistan, 139-149.
50. POPP, M. 1995: Salt resistance in herbaceous halophytes and mangroves. Progress in Botany, Vol. 56, 416-429. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
51. POPP, M., and SMIRNOFF N. 1995: Polyol accumulation and metabolism during water deficit. In: N. SMIRNOFF (ed.): Environment and Plant Metabolism, BIOS Scientific Publishers LTD, Oxford, UK, pp. 199-215.
52. RICHTER, A., POPP M., MENSEN R., STEWART G.R., and von WILLERT D.J. 1995: Heterotrophic carbon gain of the parasitic angiosperm Tapinanthus oleifolius. Aust. J. Plant. Physiol., 22, 537-544.
53. POPP, M., MENSEN R., RICHTER A., BUSCHMANN H., and von WILLERT D.J. 1995: Solutes and succulence in southern African mistletoes. Trees 9, 303-310.
54. WILLERT, von D.J., and POPP M. 1995: Gas exchange and water relations of two mistletoes, Tapinanthus oleifolius and Viscum rotundifolium, on the same host, Acacia nebrownii, in south-eastern Namibia. S. Afr. Tydskr. Plantk. 61, 264-273.
55. OSMOND, C.B., POPP M., and ROBINSON S.A. 1996: Stoichiometric nightmares: studies of O2 and CO2 exchanges in CAM plants. In: K. WINTER, and J.A.C. SMITH (eds.): Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, Ecological Studies 114, 19-30, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
56. POPP, M., LIED W., MEYER A.J., RICHTER A., SCHILLER P., and SCHWITTE H. 1996: Sample preservation for determination of organic compounds: Microwave versus freeze-drying. J. Exp. Bot. 47, 1469-1473.
57. Haag-Kerwer, A., Grams T.E.E., Olivares E., Ball E., Arndt S., Popp M., Medina E., and Lüttge U. 1996: Comparative measurements of gas-exchange, acid accumulation and chlorophyll a fluorescence of different species of Clusia showing C3 photosynthesis, or crassulacean acid metabolism, at the same field site in Venezuela. New Phytol. 134, 215-226.
58. POPP, M., LIED W., BIERBAUM U., GROSS M., GROSSE-SCHULTE T., HAMS S., OLDENETTEL J., SCHUELER S., and WIESE J. 1997: Cyclitols - stable osmotica in trees. In: H. RENNENBERG, W. ESCHRICH, and H. ZIEGLER (eds.): Trees - Contribution to Modern Tree Physiology. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 257-270.
59. Meyer, J. A., and POPP M. 1997: Free Ca2+ in tissue saps of calciotrophic CAM plants as determined with Ca2+-selective electrodes. J. Exp. Bot. 48, 337-344.
60. GRAMS, T. E. E., HAAG-KERWER A., OLIVARES E., BALL E., ARNDT S., POPP M., MEDINA E., and LÜTTGE U. 1997: Comparative measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence, acid accumulation and gas exchange in exposed and shaded plants of Clusia minor L. and Clusia multiflora H. B. K. in the field. Trees 11, 240-247.
61. LOVELOCK, C. E., KYLLO D., POPP M., ISOPP H., VIRGO A., and WINTER K. 1997: Symbiotic vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae influence maximum rates of photosynthesis in tropical tree seedlings grown under elevated CO2. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 24, 185-194.
62. WINTER, K., RICHTER A., ENGELBRECHT B., POSADA J., VIRGO A., and POPP M. 1997: Effect of elevated CO2 on growth and crassulacean-acid-metabolism activity of Kalanchoe pinnata under tropical conditions. Planta 201, 389-396.
63. POPP, M., and RICHTER A. 1998: Ecophysiology of xylem-tapping mistletoes. Progress in Botany, Vol. 59, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 659-674.
64. CLIFFORD, S. C., ARNDT S. K., CORLETT J. E., JOSHI S., SANKHLA N., POPP M., and JONES H. G. 1998: The role of solute accumulation, osmotic adjustment and changes in cell wall elasticity in drought tolerance in Ziziphus mauritiana (Lamk.). J. Exp. Bot. 49, 967-977.
65. HIETZ, P., WANEK W., and POPP M. 1999: Stable isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen and nitrogen content in vascular epiphytes along an altitudinal transect. Plant, Cell Environ. 22, 1435-1443.
66. PETERBAUER, P., MUCHA J., MAYER U., POPP M., GLÖSSL J., and RICHTER A. 1999: Stachyose synthesis in seeds of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis): molecular cloning and functional expression of stachyose synthase. Plant J. 20, 509-518.
67. POPP M. 1999: Wie grün ist das Wiener Blut? Perspektiven 4-5, 45.
68. ORTHEN; B., POPP M., and BARZ W. 2000: Cyclitol accumulation in suspended cells and intact plants of Cicer arietinum L. J. Plant Physiol. 156, 40-45.
69. ROBINSON, S. A., WASLEY J., POPP M., and LOVELOCK C. E. 2000: Desiccation tolerance of three moss species from continental Antarctica. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 27, 379-388.
70. ORTHEN, B., and POPP M. 2000: Cyclitols as cryoprotectants for spinach and chickpea thylakoids. Environ. Exp. Bot. 44, 125-132.
71. WANEK W., and POPP M. 2000: Effects of rhizospheric bicarbonate on net nitrate uptake and partitioning between the main nitrate utilising processes in Populus canescens and Sambucus nigra. Plant and Soil 221, 13-24.
72. WANEK W., and POPP M. 2000: Effect of rhizospheric bicarbonate on nitrate uptake, assimilation, and transport in Populus canescens and Sambucus nigra. In: Nitrogen in a sustainable ecosystem: from the cell to the plant. M. A. MARTINS-LOUCAO, and S. H. LIPS (eds.): Backhhuys Publishers. Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 51-57.
73. ARNDT S. K., WANEK W., CLIFFORD S. C., and POPP M. 2000: Contrasting adaptations to drought stress in field-grown Ziziphus mauritiana and Prunus persica trees: water relations, osmotic adjustment and carbon isotope composition. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 27, 985-996.
74. THOMAS F. M., ARNDT S. K., BRUELHEIDE H., FOETZKI A., GRIES A., HUANG J., POPP M., WANG G., ZHANG X., and RUNGE M. 2000: Ecological basis for a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in a Central-Asian desert: Presentation and first results. J. Appl. Bot. 74, 212-219.
75. WINTER K., GARCIA M., LOVELOCK C. E., GOTTSBERGER R., and POPP M. 2000: Responses of model communities of two tropical tree species to elevated atmospheric CO2: growth on unfertilized soil. Flora 195, 289-302.
76. RUNGE M., ARNDT S., BRUELHEIDE H., FOETZKI A., GRIES D., HUANG J., POPP M., THOMAS F., WANG G., and ZHANG X. 2001: Contributions to a Sustainable Management of the Indigenous Vegetation in the Foreland of Cele Oasis - A Projekt Report from the Taklamakan Desert. In: Sustainable Land Use in Deserts. BRECKLE S.-W., VESTE M., and WUCHERER W. (eds.) Springer Berlin, pp 343-349.
77. ARNDT S., CLIFFORD S. C., and POPP M. 2001: Ziziphus – a Multipurpose Fruit Tree for Arid Regions. In: Sustainable Land Use in Deserts. BRECKLE S.-W., VESTE M., and WUCHERER W. (eds.) Springer Berlin, pp 388-399.
78. LI XUEMEI; WANEK W.; NEHLS U.; POPP M.; HAMPP R.; RENNENBERG H.; EINIG W. 2001: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in mistletoe leaves: Regulation of gene expression, protein content, and covalent modification. In: Physiologia Plantarum 112: 343-352
79. Winter K., Garcia M., Gottsberger R., Popp M. (2001) Marked growth response of communities of two tropical tree species to elevated CO2 when soil nutrient limitation is removed. Flora 196 (1): 47-58.
80. ARNDT S.K.; CLIFFORD S.C.; WANEK W.; JONES H.G.; POPP M. 2001: Physiological and morphological adaptations of the fruit tree Ziziphus rotundifolia in response to progressive drought stress. In: Tree Physiology 21, 705-715
81. CLIFFORD S.C., ARNDT S.K., POPP M., JONES H.G. 2001: Mucilages and polysaccharides in Ziziphus species (Rhamnaceae): Iocalization, composition and physiological roles during drought-stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 53(366): 131-138
82. WANEK W.; HUBER W.; ARNDT S.K.; POPP M. 2002: Mode of photosynthesis during different life stages of hemiepiphytic Clusia species. In: Funct. Plant Biol. 29, 725-732
83. WANEK W.; ARNDT S.K.; HUBER W.; POPP M. 2002: Nitrogen nutrition during ontogeny of hemiepiphytic Clusia species. In: Funct. Plant Biol. 29, 733-740
84. ARNDT S.K.; WANEK W.; HOCH G.; RICHTER A.; POPP M. 2002: Flexibility of nitrogen metabolism in the tropical C3-crassulacean acid metabolism tree species, Clusia minor. In: Funct. Plant Biol. 29, 741-747
85. McKEE L.; FELLER I.C.; POPP M.; WANEK W: 2002: Mangrove Isotopic (?15N and ?13C) Fractionation across a Nitrogen vs. Phosphorus Limitation Gradient. In: Ecology, 83(4): 1065-1075
86. POPP M., JANETT H-P., LÜTTGE U., MEDINA E. 2003: Metabolite gradients and carbohydrate translocation in rosette leaves of CAM and C3 bromeliads. In: New Phytologist 157, 649-656