1976 | PhD, Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna, Austria | |
1986 | Habilitation in Ur- und Frühgeschichte | |
2018- | retired. Univ.-Professor at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna, Austria | |
2003-2018 | General Director of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Research Institute for Archaeology, Mainz, Germany. Affiliated to the Leibniz Society | |
2000-2003 | Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Prehistory and Early Medieval Archaeology, University of Vienna, Austria | |
1992 | Associate Professor, ibid. | |
1978-1992 | Assistant Professor, ibid. | |
2019 | Visiting professor at the Department of History, Princeton University | |
1978-2019 | courses and seminars on early medieval archaeology, archaeological theory, methods in archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna | |
2002 | Visiting lecturer at University of Bucharest, Romania | |
2000 | Visiting lecturer at Northwest University Xian, China | |
1998 | Visiting professor at the University Los Angeles, USA | |
1993 | Visiting lecturer at University of Bratislava, Slovakia | |
1990 and 1992 | Visiting lecturer in Izevsk, Russia, and 1992 at Ljubljana University, Slovenia | |
2018 | From the Huns to the Turks: Mounted Warriors in Europe and Central Asia. Mainz, 25.-26.04. 2018, Initiator, organiser. Ca. 50 participants. | |
2017 | Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Christians, Jews and Muslims. Jerusalem, Israel, 5.-7.12. 2017. Initiator. Ca. 40 participants. | |
2017 | Sassanidische Spuren in der byzantinischen, kaukasischen und islamischen Kunst und Kultur. Mainz, Germany, 18.-20.10. 2017. Organiser, together with N. Asutay-Effenberger. Ca. 100 participants. | |
2016 | Migration and Integration from Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Halle/Saale, Germany, 20.-22.10. 2016. Organiser, together with H. Meller, J. Krause and R. Risch. Ca. 150 participants. | |
2013 | Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems. Mainz, Germany, 17.-18.10. 2013. Organiser, together with J. Preiser-Kapeller. Ca. 50 participants. | |
2010 | Der Doppeladler: Byzanz und die Seldschuken in Anatolien vom späten 11. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert. Mainz, Germany, 1.-3.10. 2010. Organiser, together with N. Asutay-Effenberger. Ca. 40 participants. | |
2010 | Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land: Leben im Byzantinischen Reich. Mainz, Germany, 3.-6.6. 2010. Organiser, together with J. Drauschke. Ca. 80 participants. | |
2010-2018 | Member of the Board of the Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology, Vienna, Austria | |
2010 | Member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna, Austria | |
2009 | Corresponding Member of the Archaeological Institute of the Slovakian Academy of Science, Nitra, Slovakia | |
2007 | Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria | |
2003-2018 | Member of the Roman-German Commission of the German Archaeological Institute, Frankfurt, Germany | |
2003-2014 | Founding Member of the Central Directory of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany | |
2003 | Member of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany | |
2018 | Byzantium and the West (Schallaburg, Lower Austria) | |
2012 | Golden Byzantium and the Orient (Schallaburg, Lower Austria) | |
2010 | Byzantium - Splendour and Daily Life (Art- and Exhibition Hall, Bonn, Germany) | |
2006 | Xi'an – Imperial Power in the Afterlife: Burial Goods and Temple Treasuresfrom China’s Ancient Capital (Art- and Exhibition Hall, Bonn, Germany) | |
1996 | Huns and Avars: Mounted Warriors from the East (Halbturn, Burgenland, Austria) |