Karel Kriz, 2015
Himachal Pradesh Topographic Overview Map. (BKGA 88.) Wien: VÖAW, 2015 (order online).
(Scale 1:500 000.)


This topographic overview map of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh was designed at the Department of Geography and Regional Research of the University of Vienna within the context of the interdisciplinary research network CHWH (Cultural History of the Western Himalaya from the 8th Century CE), a cooperation between several departments of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (see http://www.univie.ac.at/chwh). In addition the adjacent region of Ladakh was mapped in the same style. Both maps are on a scale of 1 : 500 000 and are meant to support experts in their activity on site and their researches on these areas. These two map publications count to the very few products on the market that illustrate this politically sensitive part of the world so rich in history in a cartographically well-balanced style. Therefore, these maps will be useful for any interested people, scientists and travellers. Besides all map contents important for the orientation such as places, transport system, waterbodies, graticule, administrative boundaries and altitude information these two maps illustrate selected historic sites like palaces, temples, monasteries and mosques. Besides these two printed maps another output of the subproject CHIS (Cultural History Information System) was a cartographic web application which visualises various research objects and provides a comprehensive map archive as well as special views of the monasteries of Nako and Tabo (see http://pro.geo.univie.ac.at/projects/chis).