The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to long-term research on Asian cultures. The geographic and cultural area under consideration includes East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, which encompasses the fields of Indology, Tibetology, Sinology, Japanology, Buddhist Studies and Religious Studies.
Am IKGA ist im Rahmen des ERC-Projekts „The Ethics of Empty Beliefs: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy in the ‘Period of Disunity’“ (ChinBuddhPhil) eine Postdoc-Stelle zu besetzen.
A postdoctoral position is available at the IKGA in the framework of the ERC project “The Ethics of Empty Beliefs: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy in the 'Period of Disunity’” (ChinBuddhPhil).
Die österreichische Tageszeitung „Der Standard“ hat über die große und sehr erfolgreiche internationale IKGA-Konferenz „Madhyamaka in South Asia and Beyond“ berichtet. / The Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" has covered the IKGA's large and very successful conference „Madhyamaka in South Asia and Beyond “.
Basierend auf einem Interview mit IKGA-Mitarbeiter Bernhard Scheid, thematisiert ein Beitrag auf das japanische Obon-Fest, das Mitte August gefeiert wird.
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