Braun, V., Gravey, M., Haller, A., Heinrich, K., Keiler, M., Polderman, A., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (2024). Tackling Inter- and Transdisciplinary Challenges: A New Research Approach for the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research. Mountain Research And Development, 44, P1-P2.
Postnicov, V., Samarin, A., Karsanina, M. V., Gravey, M., Khlyupin, A., & Gerke, K. M. (2024). Evaluation of classical correlation functions from 2/3D images on CPU and GPU architectures: Introducing CorrelationFunctions.jl. Computer Physics Communications, 299, 109134.
Schoedl, N. W., MacKie, E. J., Field, M. J., Stubbs, E. A., Zhang, A., Hibbs, M., & Gravey, M. (2023). A Python multiprocessing approach for fast geostatistical simulations of subglacial topography. Computing In Science &Amp; Engineering, 1-9.
Zhang, C., Gravey, M., Mariethoz, G., & Irving, J. (2024). Reconstruction of High-Resolution 3D GPR Data from 2D Profiles: A Multiple-Point Statistical Approach. Remote Sensing, 16, ARTN 2084.
Kalthof, M. W. M. L., Gravey, M., Wijnands, F., & Karssenberg, D. (2023). Predicting Continental Scale Malaria With Land Surface Water Predictors Based on Malaria Dispersal Mechanisms and High-Resolution Earth Observation Data. Geohealth, 7, e2023GH000811.
Cochard, R., Gravey, M., Rasera, L. G., Mariethoz, G., & Kull, C. A. (2023). The nature of a 'forest transition' in Thừa Thiên Huế Province, Central Vietnam – A study of land cover changes over five decades. Land Use Policy, 134, 106887.
Gravey, M., & Mariethoz, G. (2023). AutoQS v1: automatic parametrization of QuickSampling based on training images analysis. Geoscientific Model Development, 5265–5279.
Panchard, T., Broennimann, O., Gravey, M., Mariethoz, G., & Guisan, A. (2023). Snow cover persistence as a useful predictor of alpine plant distributions. Journal Of Biogeography, 1-14.
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