Prof. Dr. Margreth Keiler

T +43 512 50749401

Selected publications



  • Ramirez, J. A., Mertin, M., Peleg, N., Horton, P., Skinner, C., Zimmermann, M., & Keiler, M. (2022). Modelling the long-term geomorphic response to check dam failures in an alpine channel with CAESAR-Lisflood. International Journal Of Sediment Research, 37, 687-700.
  • Fuchs, S., Wenk, M., & Keiler, M. (2022). Geomorphic Hazards in Austria. In C. Embleton-Hamann (Ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Austria (pp. 105-117). Springer, Cham.
  • Fuchs, S., Keiler, M., & Wenk, M. (2022). Montafon: Geodiversity and Human Impact. In C. Embleton-Hamann (Ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Austria (pp. 301-309). Springer, Cham.
  • Bardy-Durchhalter, M., Bender, O., Bertolotti, G., Branca, D., Braun, V., Bohleber, P., et al. (2022). Joint Endeavor Toward Sustainable Mountain Development: Research at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Mountain Research And Development, 42, P1-P4.
  • Loreti, S., Ser-Giacomi, E., Zischg, A., Keiler, M., & Barthelemy, M. (2022). Local impacts on road networks and access to critical locations during extreme floods. Sci Rep, 1552.
  • Papathoma-Koehle, M., Schloegl, M., Dosser, L., Roesch, F., Borga, M., Erlicher, M., et al. (2022). Physical vulnerability to dynamic flooding: Vulnerability curves and vulnerability indices. J. Hydrol., 607, ARTN 127501.
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  • Kreibich, H., de Ruiter, M. C., Goda, K., Keiler, M., Suppasri, A., & Malamud, B. D. (2021). Critical research in the water-related multi-hazard field. Nature Sustainability.
  • Papilloud, T., & Keiler, M. (2021). Vulnerability patterns of road network to extreme floods based on accessibility measures. Transportation Research Part D: Transport And Environment, 100, 103045.
  • Zischg, A. P., Röthlisberger, V., Mosimann, M., Profico-Kaltenrieder, R., Bresch, D. N., Fuchs, S., et al. (2021). Evaluating targeted heuristics for vulnerability assessment in flood impact model chains. Journal Of Flood Risk Management.
  • Malgwi, M. B., Ramirez, J. A., Zischg, A., Zimmermann, M., Schürmann, S., & Keiler, M. (2021). A method to reconstruct flood scenarios using field interviews and hydrodynamic modelling: application to the 2017 Suleja and Tafa, Nigeria flood. Natural Hazards, 108, 1781-1805.
  • Malgwi, M. B., Schlögl, M., & Keiler, M. (2021). Expert-based versus data-driven flood damage models: A comparative evaluation for data-scarce regions. International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction, 57, 102148.
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