Peer Reviewed Journal Publication
Peer Reviewed Journal Publication
- Guth, Philipp A.; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2025, online: 2024) Stabilization of uncertain linear dynamics: an offline-online strategy. Math. Control Relat. Fields., Bd. Early Access, S. 1-30.
- Li, Zijia; Schroecker, Hans-Peter; Siegele, Johannes (2025) A geometric algorithm for the factorization of rational motions in conformal three space. J SYMB COMPUT, Bd. 128, S. ARTN 102388.
- Gangl, Peter; Löscher, Richard; Steinbach, Olaf (2025) Regularization and finite element error estimates for elliptic distributed optimal control problems with energy regularization and state or control constraints. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Bd. 180, S. 242-260.
- Chen, Z.; Winterhof, A. (2025) Probabilistic results on the 2-adic complexity. Des. Codes Cryptogr., Bd. to appear, S. 1--15.
- Grünberger, J.; Winterhof, A. (2025) Some notes on the pseudorandomness of Legendre symbol and Liouville function. Cryptogr. Commun., Bd. to appear, S. 1--15.
- Grohs, Philipp; Liehr, Lukas; Rathmair, Martin (2025) Multi-window STFT phase retrieval: Lattice uniqueness. J FUNCT ANAL, Bd. 288 (3), S. ARTN 110733.
- Takacs, Stefan; Tyoler, Stefan (2025) Multi-resolution isogeometric analysis - efficient adaptivity utilizing the multi-patch structure. COMPUT MATH APPL, Bd. 179.
- Hubmer, Simon; Kindermann, Stefan (2025) Norms in sinogram space and stability estimates for the Radon transform. Inverse Problems, Bd. 41 (2), S. 025008.
- Weissinger, Lukas; Hubmer, Simon; Ramlau, Ronny; Voss, Henning Uwe (2025) An Inverse Problems Approach to Pulse Wave Analysis in the Human Brain. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Bd. 18 (1), S. 60-88.
- Ducomet, Bernard; Necasova, Sarka; Simon, John Sebastian H. (2024) Global solutions of Euler-Maxwell equations with dissipation. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -), Bd. -, S. -.
- Dewar, Sean; Grasegger, Georg (2024) The number of realisations of a rigid graph in Euclidean and spherical geometries. Algebraic Combinatorics, Bd. 7 (6), S. 1615-1645.
- Bayona, Victor; Petras, Argyrios; Piret, Cecile; Ruuth, Steve (online: 2024) A Meshfree RBF-FD Constant along Normal Method for Solving PDEs on Surfaces. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Bd. 46, S. A3897-A3921.
- Mukherjee, Arpan; Sini, Mourad (2024) Time-dependent acoustic waves generated by multiple resonant bubbles: application to acoustic cavitation. J EVOL EQU, Bd. 24 (4), S. ARTN 90.
- Baumann, Phillip; Gangl, Peter; Sturm, Kevin (2024) Complete topological asymptotic expansion for L 2 and H 1 tracking-type cost functionals in dimension two and three. J DIFFER EQUATIONS, Bd. 412, S. 568-612.
- Brunk, Aaron; Egger, Herbert; Habrich, Oliver (2024) A second-order structure-preserving discretization for the Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn system with cross-kinetic coupling. APPL NUMER MATH, Bd. 206, S. 12-28.
- Ramlau, Ronny; Stadler, Bernadett (2024) On some analytic properties of the atmospheric tomography operator: Non-Uniqueness and reconstructability issues. Inverse Problems and Imaging, Bd. Early Access, S. 19.
- Dong, Yakun; Sadiq, Kamran; Scherzer, Otmar; Schotland, John C. (2024) Computational inverse scattering with internal sources: A reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach. PHYS REV E, Bd. 110 (6), S. ARTN 065302.
- Kunisch, Karl; Vasquez-Varas, Donato (2024) Consistent smooth approximation of feedback laws for infinite horizon control problems with non-smooth value functions. J DIFFER EQUATIONS, Bd. 411, S. 438-477.
- Karl Kunisch, ; Vásquez-Varas, Donato (2024) Consistent smooth approximation of feedback laws for infinite horizon control problems with non-smooth value functions. Journal of Differential Equations, Bd. 411, S. 438-477.
- Arridge, Simon; Louis, Alfred; Scherzer, Otmar; Trotter, Iain (2024) Remarks on the 40th volume of Inverse Problems. INVERSE PROBL, Bd. 40 (12), S. ARTN 120401.
- Mejri, Bochra (Hrsg.); Scherzer, Otmar (Hrsg.); Ramlau, Ronny (Hrsg.) (2024) Inverse Problems on Large Scales: Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods.; Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- A. Hinrichs, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer (eds.) (2024) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC 2022, Linz, Austria, July 17-22. In Reihe: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics; Cham: Springer.
- Fujiwara, Hiroshi; Sadiq, Kamran; Tamasan, Alexandru (online: 2023) The algebraic range of the planar $X$-ray transform of symmetric tensors and applications to noise reduction. In Reihe: Mathematics for Industry: Springer Nature Singapore.
- J. Dick, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer (2022) Lattice Rules. In Reihe: Springer Series in Computational Mathematics: Springer Verlag.
- Kaltenbacher, Barbara; Nguyen, Tram Thi Ngoc; Scherzer, Otmar (online: 2021) The Tangential Cone Condition for Some Coefficient Identification Model Problems in Parabolic PDEs. In Reihe: Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification: Springer Nature Switzerland AG (121 Seiten).
- Lopez-Martinez, Montse; Mercier, Gwenael; Sadiq, Kamran; Scherzer, Otmar; Schneider, Magdalena et al. [..] (2021, online: 2020) Inverse Problems of single molecule localization microscopy. In Reihe: Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification: Springer Nature Switzerland AG (292 Seiten).
- F. J. Hickernell, P. Kritzer (eds.) (2020) Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity., hrsg. v. Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 27; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- H.N. Mhaskar, S.V. Pereverzyev, V.Yu. Semenov, E.V. Semenova (2020) Data Based Construction of Kernels for Classification. In Reihe: MATRIX Book Series 3, hrsg. v. al., J. de Gier et; Basel, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- Mykola Krasnoschok, Sergei Pereverzyev, Sergii V. Siryk, Nataliya Vasylyeva (2020) Regularized Reconstruction of the Order in Semilinear Subdiffusion with Memory. In Reihe: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, hrsg. v. Cheng J., Lu S., Yamamoto M.; Singapore: Springer.
- Aspri, Andrea (2019) An Elastic Model for Volcanology. In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Geosystems Mathematics and Computing: Springer Nature Switzerland AG (136 Seiten).
- Ramlau, R.; Scherzer, O. (2019) 100 years Mathematical Tomography.
- K.-U. Schmidt, A. Winterhof (eds.) (2019) Combinatorics and finite fields: Difference sets, polynomials, pseudorandomness and applications. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 23; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- D. Kalise, ; K. Kunisch, ; Rao, Z. (2018) Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics: Walter De Gruyter Inc.
- Gangl, Peter (online: 2017) Sensitivity-based topology and shape optimization with application to electrical machines. In Reihe: LCM Schriftenreihe: Trauner Verlag.
- Naumova, Valeriya; Nita, Lucian; Poulsen, Jens Ulrik; Pereverzyev, Sergei V. (2016) Meta-Learning Based Blood Glucose Predictor for Diabetic Smartphone App. In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Bioengineering, hrsg. v. Kirchsteiger, Harald; Jørgensen, John Bagterp; Renard, Eric; Re, Luigi del, 1. Aufl.: Springer International Publishing.
- Sini, Mourad (2015) Inverse Spectral Problems, 1-D, Theoretical Results. In Reihe: Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Bd. 2015.
- Korneev, V.G.; Langer, U. (2015) Dirichlet-Dirichlet Domain Decomposition Methods for Elliptic Problems: h and hp Finite Element Discretizations.; New Jersey - London - Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company Incorporated.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2015) Applied number theory.; Berlin: Springer.
- Schmidt, K. U.; Winterhof, A. (2014) Sequences and Their Applications SETA 2014. In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, 8865. Aufl.: Springer.
- P. Kritzer, H. Niederreiter, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof (Eds.) (2014) Uniform Distribution and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Discrepancy, Integration and Applications. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 15. Aufl.; Berlin: de Gruyter.
Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings
Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings
- Werner, Denis; Offner, Günter; Lorenz, Norbert; Schweiger, Chritoph (2024) Refining gearbox multibody simulation: enhancements for NVH and acoustic analysis., Proceedings of the Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2024 (Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2024); Leuven, Belgium, S. 1923-1938.
- Anees, Minha; Moreno Weidmann, Zoraida; Vilades Medel, David; Guerra, Jose M; Gerardo-Giorda, Luca et al. [..] (2024) How Does the Dispersive Patch Affect the Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation?.
- Simioni, Matteo; Jodlbauer, Daniel; Arcidiacono, Carmelo; Grazian, Andrea; Gullieuszik, Marco et al. [..] (2024) The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: off-axis performance of PSF reconstruction. In: Jackson, Kathryn J.; Schmidt, Dirk; Vernet, Elise (Hrsg.), Adaptive Optics Systems IX: SPIE, S. 130977C.
- Grazian, Andrea; Portaluri, Elisa; Simioni, Matteo; Arcidiacono, Carmelo; Gullieuszik, Marco et al. [..] (2024) The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: the PSF reconstruction software. In: Jackson, Kathryn J.; Schmidt, Dirk; Vernet, Elise (Hrsg.), Adaptive Optics Systems IX: SPIE, S. 130977D.
- Dostál, T. Kozubek, A. Klawonn, U. Langer, L. F. Pavarino, and O. B. Wid-; lund J. Šı́stek, editors (2024) Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering.
- Davies, Richard; Alves, Joao; Vulcani, Benedetta; Simioni, Matteo; Wagner, Roland et al. [..] (2024) The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: overview and current status. In: Bryant, Julia J.; Motohara, Kentaro; Vernet, Joël R. D. (Hrsg.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X (SPIE ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES + INSTRUMENTATION | 16-22 JUNE 2024): SPIE, S. 1309611.
- Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa (online: 2024) Application of Dimension Truncation Error Analysis to High-Dimensional Function Approximation in Uncertainty Quantification. In: Hinrichs, Aicke; Kritzer, Peter; Pillichshammer, Friedrich (Hrsg.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing): Springer.
- Anees, Minha; Guerra, Jose M; Gerardo-Giorda, Luca; Petras, Argyrios (2024) Impact of the Position of Dispersive Patch and Electrode on Power Distribution in Radiofrequency Cardiac Ablation.
- Gruber, Lukas; Holzleitner, Markus; Lehner, Johannes; Hochreiter, Sepp; Zellinger, Werner (2024) Overcoming Saturation in Density Ratio Estimation by Iterated Regularization. (International Conference on Machine Learning).
- Hambrock, Carina; Rannetbauer, Wolfgang; Hubmer, Simon; Ramlau, Ronny (2024) Gas-Fuel HVOF and Its Influencing Factors: Introducing the Total Gas Flow., Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Milan, Italy, S. 284-290.
- Rannetbauer, Wolfgang; Hambrock, Carina; Hubmer, Simon; Ramlau, Ronny (2024) Databased Optimization of Coating Characteristics—Challenges and Possible Solution., Proceedings of the ITSC 2024. Thermal Spray 2024: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Milan, Italy: SIAM, S. 459-468.
- Agathocleous, E.,; Anupindi, V.,; Bachmayr, A.,; Martindale, C.,; Nchiwo, R.Y.N., et al. [..] (2024) On Homomorphic Encryption Using Abelian Groups: Classical Security Analysis. In: Abdellatif, R.; Karemaker, V.; Smajlovic, L. (Hrsg.), Women in Numbers IV; Cham: Springer, S. 1-27.
- Kolmbauer, Michael; Offner, Günter; Pfau, Ralf Uwe; Pöchtrager, Bernhard (online: 2024) Coupling FMUs to Electric Circuits in Multiphysical System Simulation Software for the Development of Electric Vehicles., SCEE 2022: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering.
- Bauer, Klaus-Dieter; Haslinger, Josef; Zinkiewicz, Bianka; Steiner, Johannes; Diwoky, Fanz et al. [..] (online: 2023) Analysis of Dynamics and NVH of Electric Drive Unit Using Frequency- and Time-Domain Solutions. In: Okada, Masafumi (Hrsg.), Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science, Vol. 147 (The 16th IFToMM World Congress [WC2023]) In Reihe: Mechanisms and Machine Science; Cham: Springer, S. 1011-1022 <''>.
- Leoni, Massimiliano; Petras, Argyrios; Moreno Weidmann, Zoraida; Guerra, Jose M; Gerardo-Giorda, Luca (2023) Impact of Catheter Orientation on Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation.
- Katriel, Guy; Mahanaymi, Udi; Koutschan, Christoph; Zeilberger, Doron; Steel, Mike et al. [..] (2023) Using generating functions to prove additivity of gene-neighborhood based phylogenetics. In: Guo, Xuan; Mangul, Serghei; Patterson, Murray; Zelikovsky, Alexander (Hrsg.), Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2023) In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics; Singapore: Springer Nature, S. 120-135.
- Leoni, M; Petras, A; Moreno Weidmann, Z; Guerra, Jose M; Gerardo-Giorda, L (2023) Should I Tilt or Should I Push? Effect of Contact Force and Catheter Inclination in Cardiac RF Ablation.
- Uncu, Ali; Davenport, James H; England, Matthew (2023) SMT-Solving Induction Proofs of Inequalities., Proceedings of the Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation Workshop (SC-Square) (7th SC-Square@FLoC 2022), S. 10-24.
- Davenport, James H.; Nair, Akshar; Sankaran, Gregory; Uncu, Ali (2023) Lazard-style CAD and Equational Constraints., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2023); New York: ACM, S. 218–226.
- Kauers, Manuel; Koutschan, Christoph; Verron, Thibaut (2023) Transcendence certificates for D-finite functions., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2023); New York: ACM, S. 372-380.
Contribution in Collection
Contribution in Collection
- Bressan, Andrea; Takacs, Thomas (2024) A Bound on the Number of Lines Through a Point in the Wang-Shi Split., INdAM Meeting: Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology: Springer.
- Weissinger, Lukas; Stadler, Bernadett; Hubmer, Simon; Ramlau, Ronny (2024) Singular value and frame decomposition-based reconstruction for atmospheric tomography. In: Mejri, Bochra; Ramlau, Ronny; Scherzer, Otmar (Hrsg.), Inverse Problems on Large Scales: Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods; Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, S. 151-180.
- Langer, U.; Loescher, R.; Steinbach, O.; Yang, H. (2024) Robust iterative solvers for algebraic systems arising from elliptic optimal control problem., S. 35-43.
- B. Endtmayer, U. Langer, T. Richter, A. Schafelner, and T. Wick (2024) A posteriori single- and multi-goal error control and adaptivity for partial differentialequation., S. 19–108.
- Frischauf, Leon; Scherzer, Otmar; Shi, Cong (2024) Classification with neural networks with quadratic decision., S. 471–494.
- Gangl, Peter; Gobrial, Mario; Steinbach, Olaf (2024) A Parallel Space-Time Finite Element Method for the Simulation of an Electric Motor. In: Dostál, Zdeněk; Kozubek, Tomáš; Klawonn, Axel; Langer, Ulrich; Pavarino, Luca F. et al. [..] (Hrsg.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII; Prague: Springer.
- Kotsireas, I.S.; Winterhof, A. (2024) Quaternary Legendre pairs., Stinson 66 - New Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography, S. 279--294.
- Mellak, Christiane; Cesarano, Alessio; Gangl, Peter; Deuringer, Josef; Muetze, Annette (2023) Free-Form Rotor Optimization for Synchronous Reluctance Machines used in X-ray Tubes.
- Gangl, Peter; Krenn, Nepomuk (2023) Topology optimization of a rotating electric machine by the topological derivative., Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Aachen: Wiley.
- Quellmalz, Michael; Weissinger, Lukas; Hubmer, Simon; Erchinger, Paul D. (2023) A Frame Decomposition of the Funk-Radon Transform. In: Calatroni, L.; Donatelli, M.; Morigi, S.; Prato, M.; Santacesaria, M. (Hrsg.), Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision; Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 42-54.
- Ebert, A.; Kritzer, P.; Pillichshammer, F. (2022) Tractability of approximation in the weighted Korobov space in the worst-case setting. In: Botev, Z.; Keller, A.; Lemieux, C.; Tuffin, B. (Hrsg.), Advances in Modeling and Simulation; Cham: Springer, S. 131-150.
- Kunisch, Karl; Casas, Eduardo,; Tröltzsch, Fredi (2022) Optimal control of PDEs and FE-approximation. In: Trélat, Emmanual; Zuazua, Enrique (Hrsg.), Numerical Control: Part A: Elsevier, S. 115–163.
- Egger, Herbert; Radu, Bogdan (2021) A second order finite element method with mass lumping for wave equations in H(div)., Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019: Springer, S. 793-802.
- Egger, Herbert; Shashkov, Vsevolod (2021) On energy preserving high-order discretizations for nonlinear acoustics., Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019: Springer, S. 353-362.
- Koutschan, Christoph (2021) Holonomic anti-differentiation and Feynman amplitudes. In: Blümlein, Johannes; Schneider, Carsten (Hrsg.), Anti-Differentiation and the Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes, S. 261-277.
- Ronny, Ramlau; Jenny, Niebsch (2021) Tomographic Reconstruction for Single Conjugate Adaptive Optics. In: Barbara, Kaltenbacher; Thomas, Schuster; Anne, Wald (Hrsg.), Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification: Springer, S. 303-322.
- Koutschan, Christoph; Wong, Elaine (2020) Exact Lower Bounds for Monochromatic Schur Triples and Generalizations. In: Pillwein, Veronika; Schneider, Carsten (Hrsg.), Algorithmic Combinatorics: Enumerative Combinatorics, Special Functions and Computer Algebra, S. 223-248.
- Stepaniuk, T. (2020) Order estimates of best orthogonal trigonometric approximations of classes of infinitely differentiable functions. In: Raigorodskii, A.M.; Rassias, M. Th. (Hrsg.), Trigonometric Sums and Their Applications; Cham: Springer, S. 273-287.
- Cluzeau, Thomas; Koutschan, Christoph; Quadrat, Alban; Tonso, Maris (2020) Effective algebraic analysis approach to linear systems over Ore algebras. In: Quadrat, Alban; Zerz, Eva (Hrsg.), Algebraic and Symbolic Computation Methods in Dynamical Systems: Springer, S. 3-52.
- Ding, Y.; Hickernell, F.J.; Kritzer, P.; Mak, S. (2020) Adaptive approximation for multivariate linear problems with inputs lying in a cone. In: Hickernell, F.J.; Kritzer, P. (Hrsg.), Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity; Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, S. 109-145.
- Aichinger, F. (2024) Rough Volatility in Financial Markets and Electricity Spot Price Modeling. Doktorarbeit, JKU, Linz.
- Anupindi, V. (2022) Linear complexity of some sequences derived from hyperelliptic curves of genus 2. Doktorarbeit, RICAM/Inst. of Financial Math. and Appl. Number Theory, ÖAW/JKU, Linz.
- Osisiogu, O. (2022) Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Component-by-Component Algorithms. Doktorarbeit, JKU, Linz.
- Wong, Elaine (2021) Applied Symbolic Computation: Computer Algebra Approaches in Ramsey Theory, Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration Theory, Tiling Problems, and Symbolic Integration. Doktorarbeit, Institute for Algebra, Johannes Kepler University.
- Warren, A. (2020) The Sum-Product Phenomenon and Discrete Geometry. Doktorarbeit, Institute for Financial Mathematics and Applied Number Theory, JKU Linz, Linz.
- Dewar, Sean (2020) The rigidity of countable frameworks in normed spaces. Doktorarbeit, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, Lancaster.
- Scholz, Felix (2019) Efficient Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis. Doktorarbeit, Johannes Kepler University Linz.
- Bauer, Klaus-Dieter (2019) Second Harmonic Generation in Centrosymmetric Media. Doktorarbeit, Zentrum für Oberflächen und Nanoanalytik, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz.
- Wagner, Roland (2017) From Adaptive Optics systems to Point Spread Function Reconstruction and Blind Deconvolution for Extremely Large Telescopes. Doktorarbeit, Industrial Mathematics Institute, JKU Linz, Linz.
- Hofer, R. (2017) New Bounds on Some Measures of Pseudorandomness. Doktorarbeit, RICAM, JKU Linz, Linz.
- Laimer, Helene (2017) High-dimensional algorithms-Tractability and componentwise constructions. Doktorarbeit, RICAM, JKU Linz, Linz.
- Helene, Ranetbauer (2017) Nonlinear PDE models for crowded transport in the life and social sciences. Doktorarbeit, RICAM, JKU, Linz.
- Matteo, Gallet (2016) Algebraic Geometry methods in Kinematics: Mobile Pods. Doktorarbeit, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
- Phan, Duy (2016) Stabilization to trajectories and approximate controllability for the equations of fluid mechanics., RICAM-OeAW, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
- Tkachenko, Pavlo (2016) Regularization in RKHS with applications in geoscience and learning theory. Doktorarbeit, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
- Li, Zijia (2015) Closed linkages with six revolute joints.
- Winkler, Christoph (2015) A close look at actin driven movement. Doktorarbeit.
- Liebrecht, Michael (2014) Van der Waals potentials between metal clusters and helium atoms obtained with density functional theory and linear response methods. Doktorarbeit, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz.
- Yudytskiy, M. (2014) Wavelet Methods in Adaptive Optics. Doktorarbeit, JKU, Linz.
- Korporal, A. (2012) Symbolic Methods for Generalized Green's Operators and Boundary Problems., Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz.
- Roche-Newton, Oliver (2021) Sums, Products and Growth., Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
- Takacs, Stefan (2020) Robust multigrid solvers and related topics., Institut für Numerische Mathematuk, Universität Linz, Linz.
- Kapl, Mario (2020) Smooth isogeometric spline spaces for multi-patch geometries.
- Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2019) Feedback exponential stabilizability of nonautonomous parabolic-like systems., Institut für Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz.
- Koutschan, Christoph (2017) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: Proofs by Computer.
- Kügler, Philipp (2013) Inverse Problems for Differential Equations with Partial State Observations and Applications in Mathematical Physiology.
- Beuchler, Sven (2009) Fast solvers for $hp$-finite element discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems two and three space dimensions. Habilitationsschrift, TNF-Fakultaet, JKU Linz.
- Kuijper, Arjan (2008) Deep Structure, Singularities, and Computer Vision. Habilitationsschrift, Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Technical University Graz, Graz.
- Fornasier, Massimo (2008) Compressive Algorithms. Adaptive Solutions of PDE’s and Variational Problems. Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät für Mathematik, Vienna, Vienna.
- Integral Equation Methods for Obstacle Scattering and Quantitative Multi-modal Imaging Problems.
- Uncu, Ali Kemal; Barbosa, Haniel (Hrsg.) (2023) Proceedings of the 7th Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation Workshop (SC-Square). .
- Kotsireas, Ilias; Simos, Dimitris; Uncu, Ali Kemal (Hrsg.) (2023) Mathematics in Computer Science Vol 17., Bd. 17: Birkhaeuser.
- Filipuk, Galina; Koutschan, Christoph; Marcellán, Francisco; Assche, Walter Van (Hrsg.) (2021) Special issue OPSFA15: orthogonal polynomials, special functions and applications. In Reihe: Integral Transforms and Special Functions: Taylor & Francis.
- Brummelen, Harald van; Vuik, Cornelis; Möller, Matthias; Verhoosel, Clemens; Simeon, Bernd et al. [..] (Hrsg.) (2020) Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018. In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 133. Aufl.: Springer International Publishing.
- (2019) The Radon Transform. The first 100 years and beyond. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Beaudin, Michel; Dana‐Picard, Thierry; Levin, Alexander; Koutschan, Christoph; Kotsireas, Ilias et al. [..] (Hrsg.) (2019) Special Issue on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2017 Jerusalem). In Reihe: Mathematics in Computer Science: Springer.
- (2019) Advanced Finite Element Methods with Applications: Selected Papers from the 30th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium 2017. In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- (2019) Space-time Methods. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- (2019) Maxwell's Equations: Analysis and Numerics. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- G. Leobacher, E. Buckwar, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof (Hrsg.) (2018) Mathematics and computers in simulation: Special issue 10th IMACS seminar on Monte Carlo methods., 143. Aufl.
- Jüttler, Bert; Liu, Yong-Jin; Vouga, Etienne (Hrsg.) (2017) Special Issue on "Geometric Modeling and Processing". : Computer Aided Geometric Design.
- Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, Bert Jüttler, Josef Schicho (Hrsg.) (2017) New developments in geometry. Theory and applicationsSpecial Issue of Compuer Aided Geometric Design. In Reihe: Computer Aided Geometric Design, Bd. 106.
- (2015) Editorial. In Reihe: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 15.
- Schicho, D. Ellwood and H. Hauser and S. Mori and J. (Hrsg.) (2014) The Resolution of Singular Algebraic Varieties. In Reihe: Clay Mathematics Proceedings, Bd. 151.
- Schicho, S. Di Rocco and J. (Hrsg.) (2014) Computational Algebrac Geometry (special issue). In Reihe: Mathematics in Cpmputer Science Volume 8 Issue 2, Bd. 151.
- Barkatou, Moulay; Cluzeau, Thomas; Regensburger, Georg; Rosenkranz, Markus (Hrsg.) (2014) Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators,5th International Meeting, AADIOS 2012. In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS); Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer (201 Seiten).
- Bredies, K.; Clason, C.; Kunisch, K.; Winckel, G. von (Hrsg.) (2013) Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics (Buch 164): Birkhäuser.
- Schicho, A. Dickenstein and S. Di Rocco and E. Hubert and J. (Hrsg.) (2013) Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry. In Reihe: Journal of Symbolic Computation, Bd. 151.
- Bredies, K.; Clason, C.; Kunisch, K.; Winckel, G. von (Hrsg.) (2013) Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, hrsg. v. Birkhäuser.
- (2011) A note on the spaces of variable integrability and summability of Almeida and H"ast"o. .