The FWF recently decided to prolong the SFB F50 'Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics'. Christoph Koutschan participates in this SFB with the project part 'Certificate-Free Summation and Integration'.
The article "Prediction of nocturnal hypoglycemia by an aggregation of previously known prediction approaches: proof of concept for clinical application" by Pavlo Tkachenko, Galyna Kriukova, Marharyta Aleksandrova, Oleg Chertov, Eric Renard, Sergei V. Pereverzyev in Computer…
Zhimin Sun (associate professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics in Hubei University) has been awarded a scholarship of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) to sponsor a one-year research stay at RICAM in the research project Discrete Applied Mathematics (March…
The European Research Council has recently decided to give an ERC Advanced Grant to Annalisa Buffa (University of Pavia) for her proposal CHANGE (New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry). Bert Jüttler, who is group leader at RICAM,…
On Feb. 16th, 2016 the RICAM HPC Cluster "RADON 1" was shipped. Distributed memory Cluster with 1088 CPU Cores and 8,7TB Memory. 64 Nodes with 2x Xeon E5-2630v3 "Haswell" CPU (2x 8Core 2,4Ghz), 128 GB Memory. Additional 4 Nodes with two Nvidia Tesla K40 GPU. All connected…
The NFN S117 "Geometry + Simulation" and, in particular, the subprojects led by the RICAM group leaders Bert Juettler, Ulrich Langer and Otmar Scherzer, have been prolongated by FWF for further 4 years (2016 - 2020), see also NFN.
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