Univ.-Doz. Dr.
Arne Winterhof
Project Leader
Applied Discrete Mathematics and Cryptography
Email: Arne.Winterhof(at)oeaw.ac.at
Telephone: +43 732 2468 5225
Biographical sketch
- 1989-1994: Studies in mathematics and computer sciences, Technical University of Braunschweig
- 1994: Diploma in mathematics, Technical University of Braunschweig, summa cum laude
- 1996: Ph.D. in mathematics, Technical University of Braunschweig, summa cum laude
- 2001: Postdoctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation), University of Vienna
- 2002-2005: Project leader of the FWF project S8313 "Number Theoretic Methods in Cryptography and Pseudorandom Number Generation"
- 2004: Edmund and Rosa Hlawka Prize for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- 2006-2009: Project leader of the FWF project P19004-N18 'Pseudorandom Sequences'
- 2010: Advancement Award of the Austrian Mathematical Society
- 2014-2018: Project leader of the FWF project F5511-N26 'On the hierarchy of measures of pseudorandomness'
- 2016: Call to a Full Professorship (W3) for "Discrete Mathematics", University of Rostock (declined)
- 2017-2021: Project leader of the FWF project P30405 'Additive Combinatorics over Finite Fields and Applications'
- 1995-1999: Research and teaching assistant, Institute of Algebra and Number Theory, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
- 1999-2002: Researcher, Institute of Discrete Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2002-2003: Research Scientist, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore
- 2003-2009: Senior Scientist at RICAM
- Since 2009: Senior Fellow at RICAM
Memberships in Editorial Board
- Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory (since 2014)
- Advances in Mathematics of Communications (since 2019)
- Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequence (CCDS) (since 2020)
- Finite Fields and Their Applications (2005-2024)
- Designs, Codes, and Cryptography (2011-2024)
- Cryptography (2016-2020)
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics (2019-2020)
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory (2014-2019)
Research interests
- Finite Fields, Number Theory, Coding Theory, Pseudorandom Numbers, Cryptology, Combinatorics
Journal Publication (100)
- Liu, H.; Winterhof, A. (2024) On the cross-correlation of Golomb Costas permutations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 70 (11), S. 7848--7852.
- Chen, Z.; Chen, Z.; Obrovsky, J.; Winterhof, A. (2024, online: 2023) Maximum-order complexity and 2-adic complexity. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 70 (8), S. 6060-6067.
- Grzywaczyk, P.A.; Winterhof, A. (2024) Primitive elements of finite fields F_q^r avoiding affine hyperplanes for q=4 and q=5. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 96, S. Paper No. 102416.
- Merai, L.; Shparlinski, I.E.; Winterhof, A. (2024, online: 2023) Character sums over sparse elements of finite fields. Bullletin of the London Mathematical Society, Bd. 56 (4), S. 1488--1510.
- Winterhof, A. (2023) Pseudorandom binary sequences: quality measures and number theoretic constructions. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Bd. E106-A (12), S. 1452--1460.
- Chen, Z.; Niu, Z.; Winterhof, A. (2022) Arithmetic crosscorrelation of pseudorandom binary sequences of coprime periods. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 68 (11), S. 7538--7544.
- Isik, L.; Winterhof, A. (2022) On the index of the Diffie-Hellman mapping. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Bd. 33 (5), S. 587--595.
- Winterhof, A. (2022) Laudatio für Oliver Roche-Newton aus Anlass der Verleihung des ÖMG-Förderungspreises 2022. Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, Bd. 251, S. 54--57.
- Makhul, M.; Winterhof, A. (2022) Normality of the Thue-Morse function for finite fields along polynomial values. Research in Number Theory, Bd. 8 (38), S. 17.
- Merai, L.; Winterhof, A. (2022) Pseudorandom sequences derived from automatic sequences. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 14 (4), S. 783--815.
- Winterhof, A.; Xiao, Z. (2022) Sequences of the parities of differences of consecutive quadratic residues. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Bd. 16 (1), S. 83--93.
- Liu, H.; Winterhof, A. (2021) Balance and pattern distribution of sequences derived from pseudorandom subsets of Z_q. Unif. Distrib. Theory, Bd. 16 (2), S. 89--108.
- Swaenepoel, C.; Winterhof, A. (2021) Additive double character sums over some structured sets and applications. Acta Arithmetica, Bd. 199 (2), S. 135--143.
- Winterhof, A.; Xiao, Z. (2021) Binary Sequences Derived From Differences of Consecutive Primitive Roots. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Bd. 67 (8), S. 5334--5338.
- Dartyge, C.; Merai, L.; Winterhof, A. (2021) On the distribution of the Rudin-Shapiro function for finite fields. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Bd. 149 (12), S. 5013--5023.
- Makhul, M.; Warren, A.; Winterhof, A. (2020) The spherical Kakeya problem in finite fields. SIAM J. Discrete Math., Bd. 34 (4), S. 2502--2509.
- Gomez, D.; Winterhof, A. (2020) A note on the cross-correlation of Costas permutations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 66 (12), S. 7724--7727.
- Aly, H.; Winterhof, A. (2020) A note on Hall's sextic residue sequence: correlation measure of order k and related measures of pseudorandomness. IEEE Trans. Inf. Th., Bd. 66 (3), S. 1944--1947.
- R. Hofer, A. Winterhof (2019) r-th order nonlinearity, correlation measure and least significant bit of the discrete logarithm. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 11 (5), S. 993--997.
- Z. Sun, A. Winterhof (2019) On the maximum order complexity of the Thue-Morse and Rudin-Shapiro sequence. Uniform Distribution Theory, Bd. 14 (2), S. 33--42.
- Warren, A.; Winterhof, A. (2019) Conical Kakeya and Nikodym sets in finite fields. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 59, S. 185--198.
- Sun, Z.; Winterhof, A. (2019) On the maximum order complexity of subsequences of the Thue-Morse sequence and Rudin-Shapiro sequence along squares. International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, Bd. 4 (1), S. 30-36.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2019) Codes correcting restricted errors. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 87 (4), S. 855-863.
- O. Roche-Newton, I.E. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2019) Analogues of the Balog--Wooley decomposition for subsets of finite fields and character sums with convolutions. Annals of Combinatorics, Bd. 23 (1), S. 183-205.
- A. Winterhof, O. Yayla, V. Ziegler (2018) Non-existence of some nearly perfect sequences, near Butson-Hadamard matrices, and near conference matrices. Mathematics in Computer Science, Bd. 12, S. 465-471.
- R. Hofer, A. Winterhof (2018) On the 2-adic complexity of the two-prime generator. IEEE Transactions Information Theory, Bd. 64 (8), S. 5957--5960.
- L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2018) On the pseudorandomness of some automatic sequences. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 10 (6), S. 1013--1022.
- Roche-Newton, O.; Shkredov, I.; Winterhof, A. (2018) Packing sets over finite abelian groups. Integers, Bd. 18 (Paper No. A38), S. 9 pp.
- M. Su, A. Winterhof (2018) Hamming correlation of higher order. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Bd. 12 (3), S. 505--513.
- L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2018) On the Nth linear complexity of automatic sequences. Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 187, S. 415-429.
- Isik, L.; Winterhof, A. (2018, online: 2017) Carlitz rank and index of permutation polynomials. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 49, S. 156-165.
- R. Hofer, A. Winterhof (2017) Linear complexity and expansion complexity of some number theoretic sequences. Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 10064, S. 67-74.
- Isik, L; Topuzoglu, A.; Winterhof, A. (2017) Complete mappings and Carlitz rank. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 85, S. 121-128.
- J. Dick, D. Gomez, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof (2017) Digital inversive vectors can achieve strong polynomial tractability for the weighted star discrepancy and for multivariate integration. Proceedings American Mathematical Society, Bd. 145 (8), S. 3297-3310.
- Isik, L.; Winterhof, A. (2017) Maximum-order complexity and correlation measures. Cryptography, Bd. 1 (1), S. 1-7.
- L. Merai, H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2017) Expansion complexity and linear complexity of sequences over finite fields. Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences, Bd. 9 (4), S. 501-509.
- M. Su, A. Winterhof (2017) On the pseudorandomness of quaternary sequences derived from sequences over F_4. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Bd. 74 (1), S. 79-87.
- R. Hofer, A. Winterhof (2017) On the arithmetic autocorrelation of the Legendre sequence. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Bd. 11 (1), S. 237-244.
- L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2016) On the linear complexity profile of some sequences derived from elliptic curves. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Bd. 81, S. 259-267.
- A. Winterhof, O. Yayla (2016) Family complexity and cross-correlation measure for families of binary sequences. The Ramanujan Journal, Bd. 39 (3), S. 639-645.
- L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2016) On the pseudorandomness of the Liouville function of polynomials over a finite field. Uniform Distribution Theory, Bd. 11 (1), S. 47-58.
- Z. Chen, A. Winterhof (2015) Polynomial quotients: Interpolation, value sets and Waring's problem. Acta Arithmetica, Bd. 170, S. 121-134.
- He, J.; Panario, D.; Wang, Q.; Winterhof, A. (2015) Linear complexity profile and correlation measure of interleaved sequences. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 7, S. 497-508.
- G. Larcher, M. Drmota, P. Grabner, P. Hellekalek, R. Hofer, P. Kritzer, G. Leobacher, F. Pillichshammer, R. Tichy, A. Winterhof (2014) The FWF-Special Research Area "Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications". Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, Bd. 226, S. 1-19.
- Z. Chen, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2014) Notes on covering sets for limited magnitude errors. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Bd. 60, S. 5315-5321.
- M. Khan, R. Magner, S. Senger, A. Winterhof (2014) Two combinatorial geometric problems involving modular hyperbolas. INTEGERS, Bd. 14, S. #A33, 21pp.
- Z. Chen, A. Winterhof (2014) Interpolation of Fermat quotients. SIAM J. DISCRETE MATH, Bd. 28, S. 1-7.
- G. Pirsic, A. Winterhof (2014) On discrete Fourier transform, ambiguity, and Hamming-autocorrelation of pseudorandom sequences. Designs Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 73, S. 319-328.
- Winterhof, A. (2014) Generalizations of complete mappings of finite fields and some applications. Journal of symbolic computation, Bd. 64, S. 42-52.
- Shparlinski, I.E.; Winterhof, A. (2013) Distribution of values of polynomial Fermat quotients. Finite fields and their applications, Bd. 19, S. 93-104.
- N. Brandstätter, W. Meidl, A. Winterhof (2013) Addendum to Sidelnikov sequences over nonprime fields. Information Processing Letters, Bd. 113 (9), S. 332-336.
- M. Su, A. Winterhof (2012) Correlation measure of order k and linear complexity profile of Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Bd. E95-A (11), S. 1851-1854.
- Gomez D., Winterhof A. (2012) Multiplicative character sums of Fermat quotients and pseudorandom sequences. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Bd. 64, S. 161-168.
- Chen Z., Winterhof A. (2012) On the distribution of pseudorandom numbers and vectors derived from Euler-Fermat quotients. International Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 8, S. 631-641.
- Winterhof, A. (2012) Topics related to character sums. Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, Bd. 220, S. 1-30.
- N. Brandstätter, G. Pirsic, A. Winterhof (2011) Correlation of the two-prime Sidelnikov sequence. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 59 (1-3), S. 59-68.
- Z. Chen, A. Winterhof (2011) Linear complexity profile of m-ary pseudorandom sequences with small correlation measure. Indagationes Mathematicae, Bd. 20 (4), S. 631-640.
- A. Ostafe, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2011) Multiplicative character sums of a class of nonlinear recurrence vector sequences. International Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 7, S. 1157-1571.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2011) Discrepancy bounds for hybrid sequences involving digital explicit inversive pseudorandom numbers. Uniform Distribution Theory, Bd. 6 (1), S. 33-56.
- H. Aly, A. Winterhof (2011) Boolean functions derived from Fermat quotients. Cryptography and Communications, Bd. 3 (3), S. 165-174.
- G. Pirsic, A. Winterhof (2010) On the structure of digital explicit nonlinear and inversive pseudorandom number generators. Journal of Complexity, Bd. 26 (1), S. 43-50.
- R. Shaheen, A. Winterhof (2010) Permutations of finite fields for check digit systems. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 57 (3), S. 361-371.
- R. Marzouk, A. Winterhof (2010) On the pseudorandomness of binary and quaternary sequences linked by the Gray mapping. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Bd. 60 (1), S. 1-11.
- A. Ostafe, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2010) On the generalized joint linear complexity profile of a class of nonlinear pseudorandom multisequences. Advances in Mathematics of Communication, Bd. 4 (3), S. 369-379.
- M. Su, A. Winterhof (2010) Autocorrelation of Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 56 (4), S. 1714-1718.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2010) Partitions into two Lehmer numbers. Monatshefte für Mathematik, Bd. 160 (4), S. 429-441.
- A. Ibeas, A. Winterhof (2010) Exponential sums and linear complexity of nonlinear pseudorandom number generators with polynomials of small p-weight degree. Uniform Distribution Theory, Bd. 5 (1), S. 79-93.
- C. van de Woestijne, A. Winterhof (2010) Exact solutions to Waring's problem for finite fields. Acta Arithmetica, Bd. 141 (2), S. 171-190.
- N. Brandstätter, A. Winterhof (2009) k-error linear complexity over F_p of subsequences of Sidelnikov sequences of period (p^r-1)/3. Journal of Mathematical Cryptography, Bd. 3 (3), S. 215-225.
- S. Balasuriya, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2009) An average bound for character sums with some counter-dependent recurrence sequences. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Bd. 39, S. 1403-1410.
- A.Ibeas, A. Winterhof (2009) Noisy interpolation of multivariate sparse polynomials in finite fields. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bd. 5527, S. 169-178.
- A. Sarközy, A. Winterhof (2009) Measures of pseudorandomness for binary sequences constructed using finite fields. Discrete Mathematics, Bd. 309, S. 1327-1333.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2008) Exponential sums for nonlinear recurring sequences. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 14, S. 59-64.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2008) Visible points on multidimensional modular hyperbolas. Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 128, S. 2695-2703.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2008) On the number of distances between the coordinates of points on modular hyperbolas. Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 128, S. 1224-1230.
- J. Gutierrez, A. Winterhof (2008) Exponential sums of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators with Redei functions. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 14, S. 410-416.
- H. Aly, W. Meidl, A. Winterhof (2007) On the k-error linear complexity of cyclotomic sequences. Journal of Mathematical Cryptography, Bd. 1 (3).
- W. Meidl, A. Winterhof (2007) On the linear complexity profile of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators with Redei functions. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 13 (3), S. 628-634.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2007) Quantum period reconstruction of noisy sequences. Information Processing Letters, Bd. 103 (6), S. 283-296.
- N. Brandstätter, A. Winterhof (2006) Linear complexity profile of binary sequences with small correlation measure. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Bd. 52(2), S. 1-8.
- E. Kiltz, A. Winterhof (2006) Polynomial interpolation of cryptographic functions related to Diffie-Hellman and discrete logarithm problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Bd. 154, S. 326-336.
- W. Meidl, A. Winterhof (2006) Some notes on the linear complexity of Sidelnikov-Lempel-Cohn-Eastman sequences. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 38, S. 159-178.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2006) On the nonlinearity of linear recurrence sequences. Applied Mathematics Letters, Bd. 19, S. 340-344.
- H. Aly, A. Winterhof (2006) Polynomial representations of the Lucas logarithm. Finite Fields and Their Applications, Bd. 12(413-424).
- H. Aly, A. Winterhof (2006) On the linear complexity profile of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators with Dickson polynomials. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 39, S. 155-162.
- E.D. El-Mahassni, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2006) Distribution of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers for almost squarefree integers. Monatshefte für Mathematik, Bd. 148, S. 297-307.
- M. Garaev, F. Luca, I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2006) On the lower bound of the linear complexity over F_p of Sidelnikov sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 52, S. 3299-3304.
- E.D. El-Mahassni, A. Winterhof (2006) On the distribution of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers in residue rings. International Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 2, S. 163-168.
- E.D. El Mahassni, A. Winterhof (2006) On the distribution and linear complexity of counter-dependent nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators. JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, Bd. 2, S. 1-6.
- N. Brandstätter, A. Winterhof (2006) Approximation of the discrete logarithm in finite fields of even characteristic by real polynomials. Archivum Mathematicum, Bd. 42(1), S. 43-50.
- H. Aly, A. Winterhof (2006) On the k-error linear complexity over F_p of Legendre and Sidelnikov sequences. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Bd. 40, S. 369-374.
- Shparlinski, I.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Noisy interpolation of sparse polynomials in finite fields. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing.
- Niederreiter, H.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Exponential sums and the distribution of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus. International Journal of Number Theory, Bd. 1(431-438).
- Shparlinski, I.; Winterhof, A. (2005) On the linear complexity of bounded integer sequences over different moduli. Information Processing Letters.
- Brandstätter, N.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Some notes on the two-prime generator. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Bd. 51, S. 3654-3657.
- Klappenecker, A.; Rötteler, M.; Shparlinski, I.; Winterhof, A. (2005) On approximately symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measures and related systems of quantum states. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Bd. 46(8 082104), S. 17.
- Topuzoglu, A.; Winterhof, A. (2005) On the linear complexity profile of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators of higher orders. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Bd. 16, S. 219-228.
- Shparlinski, I.; Winterhof, A. (2005) A hidden number problem in small subgroups. Mathematics of Computation, Bd. 74, S. 2073-2080.
- Niederreiter, H.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Cyclotomic R-orthomorphisms of finite fields. Discrete Mathematics, Bd. 295, S. 161-171.
- Meidl, W.; Winterhof, A. (2005) On the joint linear complexity profile of explicit inversive multisequences. Journal of complexity, Bd. 21, S. 324-336.
Book/Monograph (8)
- K.-U. Schmidt, A. Winterhof (eds.) (2019) Combinatorics and finite fields: Difference sets, polynomials, pseudorandomness and applications. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 23; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2015) Applied number theory.; Berlin: Springer.
- Schmidt, K. U.; Winterhof, A. (2014) Sequences and Their Applications SETA 2014. In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, 8865. Aufl.: Springer.
- P. Kritzer, H. Niederreiter, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof (Eds.) (2014) Uniform Distribution and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Discrepancy, Integration and Applications. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 15. Aufl.; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Ostafe, D. Panario, A. Winterhof (Eds.) (2014) Algebraic Curves and Finite Fields: Cryptography and Other Applications. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 16. Aufl.; Berlin: de Gruyter.
- G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof, C. Xing (Eds.) (2014) Applied Algebra and Number Theory: Essays in Honour of Harald Niederreiter (on the occasion of his 70th birthday).; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- (2013) Finite fields and applications: Character sums and polynomials. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 11. Aufl.: de Gruyter.
- (2008) Sequences and Their Applications -- SETA 2008. In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, hrsg. v. S.W. Golomb, M.G. Parker, A. Pott, A. Winterhof.
Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (28)
- Pirsic, G.; Winterhof, A. (2012) Boolean functions derived from pseudorandom binary sequences. In: T. Helleseth, J. Jedwab (Hrsg.), Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2012 (SETA 2012) In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science 7280: Springer, S. 101-109.
- Chen, Z.; Winterhof, A. (2012) Additive character sums of polynomial quotients., Finite Fields and Applications, S. 67-73.
- Ostafe, A.; Thomson, D.; Winterhof, A. (2012) On the Waring problem with multivariate Dickson polynomials., Finite fields and applications, S. 153-161.
- M. Su, A. Winterhof (2011) Correlation of order k and linear complexity profile of Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences., IWSDA 2011, S. 1-4.
- Winterhof, A. (2010) Recent results on recursive nonlinear pseudorandom number generators (invited paper). In: Carlet, Claude et al. (Hrsg.), Sequences and their Applications (SETA 2010) In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6338; Berlin: Springer, S. 113-124.
- D. Gomez, A. Winterhof (2010) Waring's problem with Dickson polynomials in finite fields. In: McGuire, Gary et al. (Hrsg.), Finite fields: Theory and applications (Fq9) In Reihe: Contemporary Mathematics 518; Providence (RI): American Mathematical Society, S. 185-192.
- Z. Chen, A. Ostafe, A. Winterhof (2010) Structure of pseudorandom numbers derived from Fermat quotients. In: Hasan, M. Anwar et al. (Hrsg.), Arithmetic of finite fields. (Third international workshop, WAIFI 2010.) In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6087; Berlin: Springer, S. 73-85.
- N. Brandstätter, G. Pirsic, A. Winterhof (2009) Two-prime Sidelnikov sequences., Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, S. 389-398.
- Z. Chen, D. Gomez, A. Winterhof (2009) Distribution of digital explicit inversive pseudorandom numbers and their binary threshold sequence. In: L'Ecuyer, Pierre et al. (Hrsg.), Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2008 (MC2QMC 2008); Berlin: Springer, S. 249-258.
- N. Brandstätter, A. Winterhof (2008) Subsequences of Sidelnikov sequences. In: G. Mullen, D. Panario, I. Shparlinski (Hrsg.), Finite Fields and Applications (Fq8) In Reihe: Contemporary Mathematics 461, S. 33-46.
- D. Gomez, A. Winterhof (2008) Character sums for sequences of iterations of Dickson polynomials. In: D. Panario, I. Shparlinski (Hrsg.), Finite Fields and Applications In Reihe: Contemporary Mathematics 461, S. 147-152.
- G. Meletiou, A. Winterhof (2008) Interpolation of the double discrete logarithm. In: Gathen, J. von zur (Hrsg.), Arithmetic in Finite Fields (WAIFI 2008) In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, S. 1-10.
- D. Gomez, A. Winterhof (2008) Multiplicative character sums of recurring sequences with Redei functions. In: S.W. Golomb, M.G. Parker, A. Pott (Hrsg.), Sequences and Their Applications (SETA08) (SETA 08) In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, S. 175--181.
- A. Cesmelioglu, A. Winterhof (2008) On the average distribution of power residues and primitive elements in inversive and nonlinear recurring sequences. In: S.W. Golomb, M.G. Parker, A. Pott (Hrsg.), Sequences and Their Applications (SETA08) (SETA) In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, S. 60--70.
- H. Niederreiter, A. Winterhof (2007) On the structure of inversive pseudorandom number generators. In: al., S. Boztas et (Hrsg.), AAECC 17; Bangalore, S. 208-216.
- N. Brandstätter, A. Winterhof (2007) Subsequences of Sidelnikov sequences., Finite Fields and Applications (Eighth International Conference of Finite Fields and Applications) In Reihe: Contemporary Mathematics; Melbourne, S. 33-45.
- Brandstätter, Nina; Winterhof, Arne (2007) k-Error Linear Complexity of Generalisations of Sidelnikov Sequences.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2006) On the discrepancy and linear complexity of some counter-dependent recurrence sequences., Sequences and Their Applications 2006 In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 4086: Springer, S. 295-303.
- I. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof (2006) Constructions of approximately mutually unbiased bases., Latin 2006, Bd. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3887, S. 793-799.
- C. Adelmann, A. Winterhof (2006) Interpolation of functions related to the integer factoring problem., Workshop on Coding and Cryptography WCC 2005 In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 3969, S. 144-154.
- N. Brandstätter, T. Lange, A. Winterhof (2006) On the non-linearity and sparsity of Boolean functions related to the discrete logarithm in finite fields of characteristic two., Workshop on Coding and Cryptography WCC 2005 In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 3969, S. 135-143.
- F. Piroi, A. Winterhof (2006) Quantum period reconstruction of binary sequences., AAECC In Reihe: Lecture Notes Computer Science, Bd. 3857, S. 60-67.
- Winterhof, A. (2006) On the distribution of some new explicit inversive pseudorandom numbers and vectors. In: H. Niederreiter, D. Talay (Hrsg.), MC2QMC 2004: Springer, S. 487-499.
- Brandstätter, N.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Nonlinearity of binary sequences with small autocorrelation., Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sequence Design and its Applications in Communications (IWSDA 05), S. 44-47.
- Shparlinski, I.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Quantum period reconstruction of noisy sequences., EQIS 2005, S. 7-8.
- Brandstätter, N.; Lange, T.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Interpolation of the discrete logarithm in a finite field of characteristic two., International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Bd. 47-54.
- Adelmann, C.; Winterhof, A. (2005) Interpolation of functions related to the integer factoring problem., International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Bd. 62-70.
- Niederreiter, H.; Winterhof, A. (2005) On the distribution of some new explicit nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. In: al., T. Helleseth et (Hrsg.), Sequences and Their Applications 2004 In Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Bd. 3486, S. 266-274.
Contribution in Collection (10)
- Kotsireas, I.S.; Winterhof, A. (2024, online: 2023) Quaternary Legendre pairs., Stinson 66 - New Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography, S. 279--294.
- R. Hofer, L. Merai, A. Winterhof (2017) Measures of pseudorandomness: Arithmetic autocorrelation and correlation measure. In: C. Elsholtz, P. Grabner (Hrsg.), Number Theory - Diophantine problems, uniform distribution and applications, Festschrift in honour of Robert F. Tichy's 60th birthday.: Springer, S. 303-312.
- G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof, C. Xing (2014) Some highlights of Harald Niederreiter's work. In: G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof, C. Xing (Hrsg.), Applied Algebra and Number Theory: Essays in Honour of Harald Niederreiter (on the occasion of his 70th birthday); Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 1-18.
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