
New Publication: Artist Migration Through the Biographer’s Lens

© Universität Luxemburg

Within the interdisciplinary ÖAW project APIS , the publication of a further paper in a new open access journal with double-blind peer review was successful. On the basis of biographical data, the paper composed by ISR colleague Peter A. Rumpolt together with main author Maximilian Kaiser (INZ), Matthias Schlögl and Katalin Lejtovicz (ACDH) deals with spatial mobility and migration of artists. The journal article was published online in December 2018.

Kaiser M., Schlögl M., Lejtovicz K. & Rumpolt P.A. (2018): Artist Migration Through the Biographer’s Lens: A Case Study Based on Biographical Data Retrieved from the Austrian Biographical Dictionary. – In: Journal of Historical Network Research 2, 76-108;