• Pradler, Josef (22.12.2023) New light on light dark sectors. Vortrag bei: Xmas Theoretical Physics Workshop, Athen/GREECE.

  • Chatterjee, Suman (11.12.2023) Searches for heavy particles decaying to Higgs boson(s) in CMS experiment. Vortrag bei: ICHEPAP2023: International Conference on High Energy Particle & Astroparticle Physics (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics), Kolkata/INDIA.

  • Feichtinger, Paul (04.12.2023) Measurements of Michel parameters and tests of lepton universality in tau-lepton decays at Belle and Belle II. Vortrag bei: The 17th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU2023), Louisville Kentucky/UNITED STATES <https://indico.cern.ch/event/1303630/>.

  • Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth (16.11.2023) Highlights of CMS. Vortrag bei: Seminar (Tsinghua and Peking Universities), Beijing/CHINA <https://wulz.web.cern.ch/wulz/Talks/CMSHighlights_Beijing_Nov2023.pptx>.

  • Bergauer, T. (07.11.2023) Overview of DRDs in Europe. Vortrag bei: CPAD Workshop SLAC, SLAC National Accelerator Laborator/UNITED STATES.

  • Bergauer, T. (11.10.2023) Detectors Road map. Vortrag bei: Second Annual Meeting (SAM) of EURO-LABS, Krakau/POLAND.

  • Schwanda, Christoph (19.09.2023) Exclusive SL B-decays at Belle/Belle II. Vortrag bei: 12th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2023)/SPAIN <https://indico.cern.ch/event/1184945/>.

  • Bergauer, T. (04.09.2023) Implementation of Detector R&D Roadmap in Europe (DRD collaborations @CERN). Vortrag bei: TIPP2023, Kapstadt/SOUTH AFRICA.

  • Burkhart, J. (30.08.2023) Simulations of atmospheric neutron and muon background for the NUCLEUS experiment. Posterpräsentation bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Schwanda, Christoph (30.08.2023) Semileptonic decays and tests of lepton flavour universality. Vortrag bei: 21st Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics (Lomonosov 2023)/RUSSIAN FEDERATION <21st Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics (Lomonosov 2023)>.

  • Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth (29.08.2023) Hidden sector searches in CMS. Vortrag bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Banik, S. (29.08.2023) Background modeling and simulation of calibration source for the dark matter search experiment CRESST. Vortrag bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Maji, R. (29.08.2023) Exploring the Impact of Tl Dopant Concentration on the Measurement of Quenching Factor in NaI Crystals. Vortrag bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Kluck, H. (29.08.2023) Geant4 simulations of sub-keV electron energy loss in CaWO$_4$ and Al$_2$O$_3$ by ELOISE. Vortrag bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Burkhart, J. (29.08.2023) Extension of the Geant4 based Electromagnetic Background Model of CRESST-II and CRESST-III. Vortrag bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Jeitler, Manfred (28.08.2023) Introduction to trigger systems. Vortrag bei: Instrumentation School in Particle, Nuclear and Medical Physics, Cape Towm/SOUTH AFRICA <https://indico.tlabs.ac.za/event/121/>.

  • Wagner, F. (28.08.2023) Optimal operation of cryogenic calorimeter through deep reinforcement learning. Posterpräsentation bei: TAUP2023, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Rados, Petar (17.07.2023) Belle II and LHCb Upgrade I performance. Vortrag bei: 31st International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton Photon 2023), Melbourne/AUSTRALIA <https://indico.cern.ch/event/1114856/>.

  • Pradler, Josef (28.06.2023) SIMPle thoughts. Vortrag bei: Simons Symposium “Illuminating Dark Matter”, Elmau/GERMANY.

  • Cababie, M. (26.06.2023) SENSEI: Origin and characterization of single-electron events. Vortrag bei: EXCESS23@TAUP (HEPHY), Wien/AUSTRIA.