Thomas Fent

Full list of Publications:

  • Haas W., Koland O., Moshammer H., Muttarak R., Striessnig E., Frankovic I., et al. (2018). Österreichischer Special Report Gesundheit, Demographie und Klimawandel, Austrian Panel on Climate Change(p. 318). In (p. 318). Retrievedde
  • De Mulder W., Bernhard Rengs, Geert Molenberghs, Thomas Fent & Geert Verbeke. (2018). Extending Gaussian process emulation using cluster analysis and artificial neural networks to fit big training sets. Journal Of Simulation, 13, 195–208.
  • De Mulder W., Rengs B., Fent T., Molenberghs G. & Verbeke G. (2016). Evaluation of Some Validation Measures for Gaussian Process Emulation: a Case Study with an Agent-Based Model. International Journal On Advances In Systems And Measurements, 9, 188-198.
  • Fent T., Aparicio Diaz B. & Prskawetz A. (2013). Family Policies in the Context of Low Fertility and Social Structure. Demographic Research, 963-998.
  • Aparicio Diaz B., Fent T., Prskawetz A. & Bernardi L. (2011). Transition to parenthood: The role of social interaction and endogenous networks. Demography, 48, 559-579.
  • Fent T. (2023). Families and ageing in Europe. Torun.
  • Fent T. (2022). Jakub Bijak (ed.): Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography: Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty in Migration Studies. European Journal Of Population, 38, 1347–1349.
  • Buber-Ennser I. & Fent T. (2021). Der demographische Wandel. InM. Fuchs (Ed.), Handbuch Alter und Altern. Anthropologie - Kultur - Ethik (pp. 219-223). Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.
  • Buber-Ennser I., Berghammer C., Fent T., Gisser R., Riederer B., Sobotka T. & Zeman K. (2021). Demografische Entwicklung und derzeitiger Stand der Familienformen, 6. Österreichischer Familienbericht. In 6. Österreichischer Familienbericht (pp. 65-143). Retrievedde
  • Fürnkranz-Prskawetz A., Fent T., Hammer B. & Danhel G. (2019). Demographischer Wandel – geänderte Rahmenbedingungen für den Sozialstaat?(p. 42). In (p. 42). Retrievedde
  • Riederer B., Mynarska M., Winkler-Dworak M., Fent T., Rengs B. & Philipov D. (2017). Vulnerability and the future of families with children in Europe: Nine questions and corresponding answers. Retrievedde
  • Fent T. (2017). Familie im Wandel – von der Keimzelle der Gesellschaft zur Solidargemeinschaft(ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Ed.). Retrievedde
  • Fent T. (2017). André Grow and Jan Van Bavel (eds): Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, and Applications. European Journal Of Population, 33, 437-439.
  • Fent T. (2017). Wie geht's Alter? Danke gut meine Teure(ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Ed.). Retrievedde
  • Riederer B., Mynarska M., Winkler-Dworak M., Fent T., Rengs B. & Philipov D. (2017). Futures of families in times of multifaceted societal changes: a foresight approach. Retrievedde
  • Fent T. (2016). Generation Y - vom Echo zum Kontrapunkt(ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Ed.). Retrievedde
  • Riederer B., Mynarska M., Winkler-Dworak M., Fent T. & Philipov D. (2016). Final report: Outline of future trends of family change. EU-FP7 research project FamiliesAndSocieties, deliverable D10.6.(p. 165). In (p. 165).
  • Fent T. (2016). Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Versicherungswirtschaft in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels. Versicherungsrundschau, 16, 56-57.
  • De Mulder W., Rengs B., Molenberghs G., Fent T. & Verbeke G. (2016). A comparison of some simple and complex surrogate models: make everything as simple as possible?. Rom.
  • Riederer B., Philipov D. & Rengs B. (2016). Report on the online questionnaire: Experts’ opinions on the future vulnerability of families with children - Results of an online questionnaire study. EU-FP7 research project FamiliesAndSocieties, deliverable D10.5.(p. 103). In (p. 103).