Anne Goujon

Full list of Publications:

  • Ghio D., Bosco C., Natale F., Loeschner J. & Goujon A. (2023). Age patterns of net migration and urbanisation dynamics across European municipalities. Population, Space And Place, 29, e2599.
  • Özdemir C., Reiter C., Yildiz D. & Goujon A. (2022). Projections of adult skills and the effect of COVID-19. Plos One, 17, 1-14.
  • Goujon A. (2022). 8 Billion and Then What?. InR. Muttarak & Wilde, J. (Eds.), The World at 8 BillionThe World at 8 Billion (Vol. 17, pp. 16-17).
  • Ghio D., Goujon A. & Natale F. (2022). Assessing the demographic impact of migration on the working-age population across European territories. Demographic Research, 46, 261-272.
  • Joint Research Centre E. C., Ueffing P., Adhikari S., Goujon A., Kc S., Poznyak O. & Natale F. (2023). Ukraine's population future after the Russian invasion: The role of migration for demographic change.
  • Icardi R., Gailey N., Goujon A., Natale F. & Ueffing P. (2023). Global Demography Expert Survey on the Drivers and Consequences of Demographic Change.
  • Durowaa-Boateng A., Yildiz D. & Goujon A. (2023). A Bayesian model for the reconstruction of education- and age-specific fertility rates: An application to African and Latin American countries. Demographic Research, 49, 809-848.
  • Magnuszewski P., Campo P., Strelkovskii N., Fresolone A., Linnerooth-Bayer J. A., Poledna S., et al. (2023). The Migration Policy Simulation: Engaging stakeholders in Austria’s migration future by linking an agent-based model with a policy exercise.
  • Daniela Ghio, Goujon A., Natale F., Alfredo A. & Petroliagkis T. (2023). Assessing populations exposed to climate change: a focus on Africa in a global context. Population And Enviroment, 45, -.
  • Durowaa-Boateng A., Yildiz D. & Goujon A. (2023). A Bayesian model for the reconstruction of education- and age-specific fertility rates: An application to African and Latin American countries(pp. 809-848).
  • Di Giulio P., Goujon A., Marois G. & Goldstein J. (2022). Vienna Yearbook of Population Research - Special Issue on Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
  • Goujon A., Reiter C. & Potancokova M. (2022). Religiöse Diversifikation in Österreich. InK. Lehmann & Reiss, W. (Eds.), The World at 8 BillionReligiöse Vielfalt in Österreich (Vol. 17, pp. 75-96). Wien: Nomos.
  • Lehmann K. & Goujon A. (2022). Agnostische Traditionen. InK. Lehmann & Reiss, W. (Eds.), The World at 8 BillionReligiöse Vielfalt in Österreich (Vol. 17, pp. 407-424). Wien: Nomos.
  • Goujon A. (2022). The Education Revolution. InJ. F. May & Goldstone, J. A. (Eds.), The World at 8 BillionInternational Handbook of Population Policies (Vol. 17, pp. 665-680).
  • Reiter C., Goujon A. & K.C. S. (2022). The Demography of Human Capital Formation in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1950-2100. InC. O. Odimegwu & Adewoyin, Y. (Eds.), The World at 8 BillionThe Routledge Handbook of African Demography (Vol. 17).
  • Kebede E., Striessnig E. & Goujon A. (2022). The relative importance of women's education on fertility desires in sub-Saharan Africa: A multilevel analysis. Population Studies, 76, 137-156.
  • Lutz W., Reiter C., Ozdemir C., Yildiz D., Guimaraes R. & Goujon A. (2021). Skills-adjusted human capital shows rising global gap. Pnas, 118, ARTN e2015826118.
  • Goujon A. (2020). Dimensions in Global Projections: An Overview. Economics And Statistics, 520-521, 80-101.
  • Goujon A. (2020). Austria. World Christian Encyclopedia, 82-86.
  • Reiter C., Özdemir C., Yildiz D., Goujon A., Guimares R. & Lutz W. (2020). The demography of skills-adjusted human capital. Retrievedde