Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2018

3rd Human Fertility Database Symposium

 Vienna, December 5 - 7, 2018

Papers and Presentations

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Symposium  Opening

Wolfgang Lutz | Wittgenstein Centre video
Dmitri A.  Jdanov  | MPIDR video
Tomas  Sobotka|  Wittgenstein Centre video

Keynote 1:

Mikko Myrskylä |MPIDR

Towards a deeper understanding of recent shifts in the development-fertility nexus
 | video (presentation) | video (discussion)

Keynote 2:

Francesco Billari| Bocconi University

Session 1: Fertility transitions - a long view

chaired by Albert Esteve

David Shapiro and Andrew Hinde

Zafer Büyükkececi and Henriette Engelhardt

  • On the relation between fertility, development, and gender equality:A comparison of Western and MENA countries
     | video (presentation)

Michel Poulain, Dany Chambre, Pino Ledda and Anne Herm

  • Late fertility transition in Sardinia: Impact of the first and second demographic  transitions
    pdf | video (presentation)

Ivan Cipin, Krystof Zeman and Petra Medimurec

  • Cohort fertility, parity progression, and family size in former Yugoslav countries during the twentieth century
    pdf | video (presentation)

Video of discussions after presentations of session 1

Session 2: Fertility timing, postponement, late motherhood

chaired by Aiva Jasilioniene

Katie L. Heap, Ann Berrington and Roger Ingham

  • Explaining the unexpected decline of teenage fertility in England: An ecological approach

Konstantin Kazenin and Vladimir Kozlov

Ryohei Mogi and Michael del Mundo

Eva Beaujouan

Tomas Frejka, Tomas Sobotka and Krystof Zeman

Video of discussions after presentations of session 2

Tuesday, 6 December 2018

Keynote 3:

Melinda Mills| University of Oxford

Session 3: Education and fertility

chaired by Alicia Adsera

Albert  Esteve  and  Elizabeth Florez-Paredes

Anna Matysiak and Daniele  Vignoli 

Karel Neels, Jonas  Wood and Naomi Biegel

Jessica  Nisen  and  contributing authors

  • Educational differences in cohort fertility across subnational regions in Europe

Session 4: Data, methods and forecasting

chaired by Eva Beaujouan

Francesco C. Billari, Nicolo Cavalli, Eric Qian and Ingmar Weber

W.H.M. James, Natalia Tejedor-Garavito, Alessandra Carioli et al.

Joanne Ellison, Jonathan J. Forster and Erengul Dodd

Michaela  Potancokova  and  Guillaume Marois

Poster Session:

Naomi Biegel and Karel Neels:

  • Socio-economic differentials in the uptake of (in)formal childcare in Belgium and their effect on subsequent family  formation.

Hilde Bras and Jeroen Smits:

  • Contexts of reproduction: Gender dynamics  and  fertility  in sub-Saharan Africa

Mathieu Buelens:

  • The asset of subnational data studies to understand spatial differences in fertility timing pdf

Cinzia Castagnaro and Antonella Guarneri:

  • Transition to parenthood in Italy: a cohort perspective

Sehar Ezdi, Jani Erola, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen and Heta Pöyliö:

  • Fertility and childbearing under different family policy schemes pdf

Nataliya Foigt:

  • Use of fertility data in assessment of population health and the role of the MPIDR methods and database in the GBD  international  research project

Elena Kotyrlo:

  • Do commuting women have fewer children?

Mathias Lerch:

  • The rural-urban fertility gradient in developing regions

Zhuoyan Mao:

  • The barriers between fertility desire and second child intention in  Beijing, China

Leen Marynissen, Karel Neels, Sarah Van de Velde and Jonas Wood:

  • Couples’ labour market preconditions in Belgium: the importance of gender

Sara Miccoli:

  • An empirical analysis of change in fertility across space and time in Italy

Natalie Nitsche and Erich Striessnig: 

  • Living arrangements of children today and fertility rates tomorrow: A regional analysis across Europe

Eli Nomes, Andre Grow and Jan Van Bavel:

  • The mid-twentieth century baby boom and the diffusion of the two-child norm: an agent- based modelling approach

Bartosz Ogorek:

  • The determinants of fertility in Second Polish Republic. A Macro level analysis pdf

Karol Pastor:

  • Fertility by marital status in Slovakia

Julieta Perez-Amador and Theodore P. Gerber:

  • The paradoxical dynamic of educational gradients in teenage fertility among Mexican adolescents: A “positional good” role for education in demographic outcomes?

David Shapiro:

  • Frustrated fertility goals and women’s education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Round table 1: Data needs and data funding

chaired by Michel Poulain

Participants: Christos Bagavos (pdf), Diego Ramiro Farinas (pdf), Dmitri  A. Jdanov (pdf), Melinda Mills

  • How should HFD project develop in the future?

  • How can it become more useful to its actual and potential users?

  • How to secure sustainable long-term financing of HFD and similar data projects?

  • How can high-quality data repositories “compete” with the "quick and dirty” data easily available online and covering the entire world?

video of round table 1

Session 5: Child costs, economic conditions, migration and fertility

chaired by Anna Matysiak

Sonja  Spitzer,  Angela  Greulich  and  Bernhard  Hammer

Chiara Ludovica Comolli, Gunnar Andersson et al.

Christos  Bagavos  and Alexandra Tragaki

Maia Sieverding and Caroline  Krafft

  • Demographic change during forced migration: Comparing marriage and fertility among Syrian refugees in Jordan and the pre-conflict Syrian populations

Session 6: Gender  revolution  and fertility

chaired by Gerda Neyer

Tomas Frejka,  Frances  Goldscheider  and  Trude  Lappegard

Nathalie  Scholl and Inaki Permanyer

  • Gender inequality and fertility declines: A sub-national analysis for the contemporary  developing world
     | video (presentation)

Friday, 7 December 2018

Keynote 4: Yen-hsin Alice  Cheng  |  Academia  Sinica

Ultra-low fertility in East Asia: "Babymaking machines" going on strike?
 | video (presentation) | video (discussion)

Session 7: Fertility in East and South-east Asia

chaired by Anne Goujon

Setsuya Fukuda and Tsugihiko  Kato

Keita Suga

  • Ethnic differentials in effects of 1st marriage and marital fertilityon below-replacement fertility in Singapore, 1980–2015: A multistate lifetable  analysis
    pdf  | video (presentation)  | video (discussion)

Baochang Gu and Jiawei  Hou

Cuiling  Zhang,  Tomas  Sobotka  and  Zuzanna  Brzozowska

Session 8: Partnerships, unions, marriage and fertility

chaired by Karel Neels

Evgeny M. Andreev, Aiva Jasilioniene and Elena Churilova

Natalie Nitsche, Alessandra Trimarchi and Marika Jalovaara

Round table 2: What is the most important factor likely to influence future fertility trends and why?

chaired by Tomas Sobotka

Participants: Alicia Adsera (pdf), Albert Esteve (pdf), Setsuya Fukuda (pdf), Wolfgang Lutz, Trude Lappegard

video of round table 2
