Delayed Reproduction: Challenges and Prospects

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Corresponding author:

File Upload (extended abstract / paper)

Upload of the extended abstract (2-5 pages) or full paper is required in .pdf-format.

Please name your file beginning with the corresponding author's family name (in capital letters) followed by the first name and make sure to upload a pdf-file! (for example: DOE_Jane_abstract.pdf or DOE_Jane_extended-abstract.pdf or DOE_Jane_paper.pdf)


Side event for GGS user

For applicants who utilize GGS data in their submitted research:

I also want to be considered for an oral presentation at the pre-conference side event “Fertility and family trends: Insights from GGS Austria and beyond” on 20 November 2024:

Deadline for submission is 15 May 2024.

data protection

The Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as a pillar institution of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital is complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Please find the Data Protection Policy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences  here.

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