The European Demographic Data Sheet 2020 reviews, explores and visualises recent population trends in 45 European countries. The data sheet also provides a snapshot of the current research at the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital and collaborating researchers, with the 2020 issue focused on measuring and assessing education, well-being and internal migration and examining recent trends in fertility and mortality. The online version provides an expanded selection of maps, ranking tables, as well as theme-focused texts and figures.
Tomáš Sobotka and Kryštof Zeman (data collection and coordination; main data table; maps; boxes on Population trends, Tempo effect, Regional overview, Period Total Fertility Rates)
Sonja Spitzer and Claudia Reiter (box on Years of Good Life)
Vanessa di Lego (box on Stagnating period life expectancy; maps)
Claudia Reiter, Dilek Yildiz, Caner Özdemir and Anne Goujon (box on Skills-adjusted mean years of schooling)
Bernhard Binder-Hammer (box on Analyzing economic well-being from a generational perspective)
David E. Bloom, Victoria Y. Fan, Vadim Kufenko, Osondu Ogbuoji, Klaus Prettner, Gavin Yamey (box on Inequality-Adjusted Healthy Lifetime Income)
Francisco Rowe, Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards (box on Internal migration)
Sergei Scherbov (Human Life Indicator)
Copy editing: Nicholas Gailey
Administrative assistance: Lisa Janisch
Graphic design: Christian Högl,
Website: Bernhard Rengs, based on the design from Andrzej Dziekoński, BOOST IT