Progress in experimental physics needs new or improved instrumentation and methodology. R&D has been mainly performed in the framework of the “Joint Research Activities”, within the 6th and 7th Framework Programme of the EU: HadronPhysics. In this field we are currently working on three experimental projects funded within the EU FP7 Integrated Activity HadronPhysics3: novel photon detectors (SiPM, silicon photomultipliers) for use in Cherenkov detectors, large size tracking detectors based on GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) technology, and the development of high-intensity gas jets to be used as internal targets in accelerators.

The Stefan Meyer Institute has well equipped mechanic and electronic workshops, perfectly suited for the needs when doing experimental work in the field of subatomic physics. Together with our design and construction office we are able to produce the important parts for our experiments at foreign accelerator facilities: CERN-AD, Switzerland; GSI, Germany; LNF, Italy and J-PARC, Japan.

The spin-off of this R&D work is also interesting for applications in medicine, e.g. improvements of the timing performance of Time-of-Flight for PET systems (Positron Emission Tomography).

Detector development

Cryogenic x-ray detectors

Cryogenic targets

Medical applications