Tue, 13.06.2017 11:00

Group Seminar: OOC: Optimal Control Problems in Transport Dynamics

Speaker: Mattia Bongini (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics), Location: SP2 416-1

OOC: Optimal Control Problems in Transport Dynamics

Speaker: Mattia Bongini (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics)
Date: June 13, 2017 11:00
Location: SP2 416-1

In this talk we shall discuss several results concerning the topic of "indirect control of populations", i.e., how to influence a group of individuals by means of external agents with a directly controlled dynamics. By using the general theory of functionals defined on spaces of measures, we give sufficient conditions for the existence of optimal control strategies and then we present a Pontryagin Maximum Principle for such controls in the form of an Hamiltonian flow in the Wasserstein space of probability measure. Finally, we present an application of the above framework to the evacuation problem of a crowd from an unknown environment with the help of undercover stewards.