The baseline code is adjusted to enable processing data between 1 November 2015 and 31 October 2021. The structure is remained same as the preliminary code.

Below is an overview of the three programs for the density derivation and associated analysis for determining the input parameters and testing. The codes are available as zip file (klick the title of the progam below) and works in an environment where spedas is running. Data sets not available from spedas are also included in the zip file.

1)  mmsedpana

  • This is a refined version of the previous software, mmsedptest, started in ASAP11 for the correlation of potential different parameters, calculation of photo curves, spin tone correction and E-field correction. It calculates a refined density product, but only from data from a few days (maximum weeks) at a time due to the large memory requirement.
  • This program needs to call the software, SPEDAS, in order to retrieve MMS data (available online).
  • Outputs are either plots or ASCII tables.
  • The program can be configured in such a way that ASCII tables of spin mean values are generated, which can be further processed by the second program, corrVandFlux.
  • Input data in the Zip file contains, e.g. ASPOC and EDI operations data, but MMS data, i.e., Slow Survey, Fast Survey, or Burst data are expected to be retrieved with SPEDAS load procedure.

2) corrVandFlux 

  • Input: Spin-average data generated by mmsedpana
  • This code can process data within 1 November 2015 and 31 October 2021 (covering the nominal mission and the four years of the extended mission) and is useful for finding the optimized scheme for deriving the density product by analyzing the data from entire mission at a time.
  • The code performs correlations with Solar Activity Indices, generates orbit plots, and generates ASCII files with reconstructed density.
  • Input data in the Zip file contains the solar indices and the files with the spin averaged values generated by mmsedpana.

3) corrVandFluxRec 

  • Similar to corrVandFlux, but input files are created by corrVandFlux with reconstructed density.
  • Plots the reconstructed density together with the measured values for validating the results.
  • The Zip file contains the solar indices and the files with the spin-averaged values generated by corrVandFlux with the reconstructed density.