
Medieval Worlds 19: Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe

Volume 19 of our open access e-journal Medieval Worlds is online, presenting a collection of articles on Japanese and European oath-taking and oath-breaking practices and, in our individual article section, a new edition and commented translation of an Icelandic fragment of the Saint Nicholas tradition.

In this volume, guest editors Philippe Buc and Thomas D. Conlan use oaths as the pivotal point for their comparative thematic section. Focusing on the differences and similarities between Japanese and European oath-taking and oath-breaking practices during the medieval period, on terminology and on chronology, Philippe Buc provides an introduction contextualising the studies in this collection. For Japan, two articles give insights into the development of the written oath (kishōmon) from its predecessors and origins in the third to sixth centuries to the sixteenth century, two case studies focus on kishōmon in the heyday of its use. For Western Europe, S. Esders outlines the development of oaths from Late Antiquity to the tenth century under Christian doctrinal influence. Three case studies illustrate the use of oaths in the Early, High and Late Middle Ages.

In our individual article section and just in time for Saint Nicholas Day, we offer a new edition and commented translation of an Icelandic fragment of the Nikuláss saga erkibiskups, the Saga of Bishop Nicholas.

Submissions for our upcoming volumes are always welcome.

Medieval Worlds 19: Oaths in Premodern Japan and Premodern Europe