On the occasion of the Phonogrammarchiv’s 110th anniversary, its then director, Rudolf M. Brandl, decided to establish a periodical anthology, the Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs; it first appeared in 2010.

Content-wise, it comprises contributions on technology (recording technology, long-term preservation, re-recording), the archive’s collections and field research methodology. In line with the Phonogrammarchiv’s global network, the yearbook thus offers to international specialists a platform for exchanging thoughts on these topics. Contributors include Phonogrammarchiv staff and collaborators (depositors of collections) as well as international researchers in contact with the archive.

Volumes 1–4 were published by Cuvillier-Verlag , with volume 5, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften became the publisher of the yearbook. This change was accompanied by a new title (International Forum on Audio-Visual Research – Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs) and the bilingual format, which further underlines its focus. In addition to the Editorial Board, an Advisory Board responsible for the double-blind reviewing process was created.


Research projects conducted by the Phonogrammarchiv itself or by other researchers with the archive’s support have always focused on current topics. At this very moment, it is especially the political events, notably the increased and much discussed migratory movements from the Near and Middle East, which are also reflected in Phonogrammarchiv projects. Consequently, it was quite natural that Volume 8 of the International Forum on Audio-Visual Research should be devoted chiefly to Syria, the Near East and Turkey.

This regional focus is present in the research articles by Phonogrammarchiv staff, in the analysis of a deposited collection (followed by a commentary) by external experts, and in the field research report by archival staff as well as in the review of a recent publication authored by a political scientist. In accordance with the Phonogrammarchiv’s multidisciplinarity, there is, however, also a contribution concerning a long-term research topic: the documentation of mechanical musical instruments. Finally, in an article on yet another collection deposited in the archive, its creator himself reflects on his recordings of languages from northern Nigeria and Chad, made in the course of four decades.

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Content-wise, volume 7 comprises three thematic blocks linked by “analysis” in the widest sense of the word; different approaches, perspectives and research aims in the analysis of archived audio and video documentation are thus at the centre of this volume. Once more, the Phonogrammarchiv emerges as a place for long-term preservation plus extensive documentation, while the sources held in the archive still await further scientific elaboration. Four contributions focus on research in prisoner-of-war camps during World War I, a topic which has met with increasing interest over the past few years. They represent ways of dealing with historical recordings – i.e. recordings made by “others” at some “other” (distant) time. The three articles on recent field research contributed by the researchers themselves illustrate how to discuss one’s “own” recordings made within one’s “own” research project. The technically-oriented contribution, on the other hand, critically looks at one’s own decisions in the wake of following general trends and the necessity of adapting to the needs and (financial) possibilities of the Phonogrammarchiv.

This volume of the International Forum on Audio-Visual Research once again showcases the potential of the Phonogrammarchiv as an institution, as a repository and as a place of research, encounter and discussion, contributing new results. Reflections on cultural manifestations in various places then and now are intrinsically connected to the respective participants, their environment and social situation; they are analysed from different angles, confirming the importance of audio-visual documentation in multi-disciplinary research in cultural studies.

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The Phonogrammarchiv collects, documents and preserves unique audio and video recordings which were created in the course of research, without disciplinary or regional restrictions, and serve as sources for further study. How do such recordings come about, and what does it mean to include them into the archival holdings? In order to shed more light on such questions, the central theme of the present volume is devoted to methods – in field research, in archival practice and in technical safeguarding – ranging from the research idea to the methodological discussion at the desk, in the field and then in the archive, where the audio-visual findings are turned into documented sources, as it were. Progressing from the general to the specific, methods are essential in both field research and the archive. This methodological tour d’horizon looks at the Phonogrammarchiv and its holdings from a very special perspective.

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Yearbook 5 heralds a new era. From now on, it will be published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press under the trend-setting title International Forum on Audio-Visual Research – Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs. Content-wise, the focus will be twofold: on technical topics (such as recording technique, long-term preservation and re-recording), and on the content-related analysis/evaluation of audio and video sources preserved and documented in the Phonogrammarchiv. The Yearbook thus serves as an international platform for the exchange of thoughts on such topics among specialists.

The five contributions of this volume reflect this very purpose: on the one hand, there are technically-focused and content-related articles, and on the other, the inner and outer perspectives are accommodated. What all contributions share is the fact that technical and content-related matters and approaches complement, and rely on, each other.

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Volume 4 is almost exclusively devoted to “Relationships of Speech Tone and Music” – a topic which reflects the Phonogrammarchiv’s interdisciplinary approach. The contributions emanate from a workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, jointly organised by the Phonogrammarchiv and the ICLTT (Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology). This time’s field research report is on the Wayuu and permits insights into the underlying research design and methodology as well as the use of audio and video recording. Two reviews of recent publications in the areas of cultural studies, anthropology and ethnomusicology, together with the Progress Report for 2012, round off this volume.

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The contributions (this time all in German) focus on technical research and development, on the contextualisation of audio-visual recordings as well as on the documentation of endangered cultures. Two extensive fieldwork/conference reports, a review and, finally, a Progress Report for 2011 permit further insights into last year’s audio-visual research.

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Readers will be able to delve into over 300 pages of this long-awaited publication, in which both members of staff and field researchers cooperating with the Phonogrammarchiv deal with the archive’s three core areas of work: the study and audio-visual documentation of endangered languages and cultures, contextualising research as well as technical research and development. The nine contributions (on the topics of “Cultural studies and linguistics in Himachal Pradesh”, “Recording technique and analysis” and “Cultural studies and history”) and five field research/project reports – all of which illustrating the Phonogrammarchiv’s interdisciplinary approach – are followed by two reviews and, finally, a Progress Report for 2010.

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We are happy to announce the publication of Volume 1 of the Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, which appeared just in time for the celebration of our 111th anniversary on 27 April 2010. It contains the proceedings of the international symposium devoted to “Reflections on fields of work, cooperation and perspectives”, held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences precisely 110 years after the Archive’s establishment, as well as an abridged version of our Annual Report for 2009.

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