Paola Di Giulio

Full list of Publications:

  • Di Giulio P., Goujon A., Marois G. & Goldstein J. (2022). Vienna Yearbook of Population Research - Special Issue on Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
  • Di Lego V., Di Giulio P. & Luy M. (2020). Gender differences in healthy and unhealthy life expectancy. InC. Jagger, Crimmins, E. M., Saito, Y., De Carvalho Yokota, R. T., Van Oyen, H., & Robine, J. -M. (Eds.), International Handbook of Health Expectancies (pp. 151-172).
  • Luy M., Di Giulio P., Di Lego V., Patrick Lazarevič & Sauerberg M. (2020). Life expectancy: frequently used, but hardly understood. Gerontology, 66, 95-104.
  • Di Giulio P., Impicciatore R. & Sironi M. (2019). The changing pattern of cohabitation: A sequence analysis approach. Demographic Research, 42, 1211 - 1248.
  • Di Giulio P. (2023). Gesundheitszustand und Herausforderungen – eine Momentaufnahme. InNorbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Familien in Österreich Partnerschaft, Kinderwunsch und ökonomische Situation in herausfordernden Zeiten.
  • Di Giulio P. (2023). Health snapshot and some challenges. InNorbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Families in Austria Partnerships, fertility intentions an economic situation in challenging times.
  • Luy M., Di Giulio P. & Minagawa Y. (2023). The impact of interpersonal reporting heterogeneity on cross-country differences in Healthy Life Years in Europe. European Journal Of Public Health, 33, 1060–1064.
  • Lazarevic P., Di Giulio P., Pfister A. & Luy M. (2023). Der Gesundheits-Survey der Klosterstudie. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu Welle 4(p. 351; M. Luy, Ed.). In (p. 351). Retrievedde
  • Wiedemann A., Bowen C. E., Di Giulio P., Krivanek D., Marcher A., Sauerberg M., et al. (2022). Der Gesundheits-Survey der Klosterstudie. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu Welle II and Welle III(p. 351; M. Luy, Ed.). In (p. 351). Retrievedde
  • Luy M., Wegner-Siegmundt C. & Di Giulio P. (2021). Direct effect of education on mortality: insights from the Cloister Study. InM. Luy (Ed.), The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox: Research Report of the ERC Project HEMOX (pp. 112-132). Retrievedde
  • Di Giulio P. (2021). A frailty index to explore ageing in the monastic population. InM. Luy (Ed.), The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox: Research Report of the ERC Project HEMOX (pp. 94-101). Retrievedde
  • Winkler-Dworak M., Beaujouan E., Di Giulio P. & Spielauer M. (2021). Simulating Family Life Courses: An Application for Italy, Great Britain, Norway and Sweden. Demographic Research, 44, 1-48.
  • Winkler-Dworak M., Beaujouan E., Di Giulio P. & Spielauer M. (2019). Simulating Family Life Courses: An Application for Italy, Great Britain, and Scandinavia. Retrievedde
  • Maria Winkler-Dworak E. B. (2017). Union Instability and Fertility: A Microsimulation Model for Italy and Great Britain. Retrievedde
  • Reynaud C. & Di Giulio P. (2017). Il ruolo delle migrazioni interne nelle diverse regioni italiane(A. Fornasin & Lorenzini, C., Eds.). Retrievedde
  • Maria Winkler-Dworak, Thomas Fent, Bernhard Rengs, Eva Beaujouan, Di Giulio P. & Martin Spielauer. (2015). Report on the results of the micro-simulation and agent-based approach about future of family forms(p. 62). In (p. 62).
  • Luy M., Flandorfer P. & Di Giulio P. (2015). Ageing in an aged society: experiences and attitudes of Catholic order members towards population ageing and older people. Ageing And Society, 35, 1-36.
  • Philipov D., Goujon A. & Di Giulio P. (2014). Ageing dynamics of a human-capital-specific population: A demographic perspective. Demographic Research, 31, 1311-1336.
  • Philipov D., Jaschinski I., Vobecká J., Di Giulio P. & Fent T. (2014). Report on the futures task-force workshop. EU-FP7 research project FamiliesAndSocieties, deliverable D10.2. Retrievedde
  • Wiedemann A., Marcher A., Wegner-Siegmundt C., Di Giulio P. & Luy M. (2014). Der Gesundheits-Survey der Klosterstudie. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu Welle I(J. Anson & Luy, M., Eds.). Wien: Springer.