Marc Luy

Research Group: Health and Longevity

Phone: +43 1 51581 - 7701

E-Mail: marc.luy(at)

Selected Publications:

  • Wu J., KC S. & Luy M. (2022). The Gender Gap in Life Expectancy in Urban and Rural China, 2013–2018. Frontiers In Public Health, 10, 749238.
  • Luy M., Sauerberg M., Muszynska-Spielauer M. & di Lego V. (2021). Decrease in life expectancy in Germany in 2020: men from eastern Germany most affected. Comparative Population Studies, 46, 555-574.
  • Luy M. (2021). The HEMOX project: objectives, implementation and outcomes. InM. Luy (Ed.), The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox: Research Report of the ERC Project HEMOX (pp. 4-23). Retrievedde
  • Wegner-Siegmundt C. & Luy M. (2021). The health of Catholic order members: a comparison with the general population. InM. Luy (Ed.), The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox: Research Report of the ERC Project HEMOX (pp. 44-60). Retrievedde
  • Luy M. (2021). The cross-sectional association between health and mortality: insights from the Cloister Study. InM. Luy (Ed.), The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox: Research Report of the ERC Project HEMOX (pp. 61-82). Retrievedde

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Areas of Expertise

  • Differentials in Health and Mortality
  • Determinants of Healthy Ageing
  • Formal Demography
  • Indirect Estimation Techniques

Personal website:

DELAG research group:

German-Austrian Cloister Study:

Lebenserwartung in Deutschland (in German):