Bernhard Riederer

Research Group: Demography of Austria

Phone: +43 1 51581 - 7748

E-Mail: Bernhard.Riederer(at)

Selected Publications:

  • Riederer B., Setz I. & Buber-Ennser I. (2024). Urban-rural differences in the desired number of children in Austria 1986–2021. Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Soziologie, 49, 331 - 356.
  • Kohlenberger J., Buber-Ennser I., Pędziwiatr K., Rengs B., Setz I., Brzozowski J., et al. (2023). High self-selection of Ukrainian refugees into Europe: Evidence from Kraków and Vienna. Plos One, 18, e0279783.
  • Riederer B. & Beaujouan E. (2023). Explaining the urban-rural gradient in later fertility in Europe. Population Space And Place, e2720.
  • Nisen J., Kluesener S., Dahlberg J., Dommermuth L., Jasilioniene A., Kreyenfeld M., et al. (2021). Educational Differences in Cohort Fertility Across Sub-national Regions in Europe. European Journal Of Population, 263-295.
  • Riederer B. & Berghammer C. (2020). The Part-Time Revolution: Changes in the Parenthood Effect on Women’s Employment in Austria across the Birth Cohorts from 1940 to 1979. European Sociological Review, 36, 284-302.

Research Areas

Areas of Expertise

  • Family (and Personal Relationships)
  • Quality of Life
  • Social Inequality