
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2014

Health, Education, and Retirement over the Prolonged Life Cycle -

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This issue of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research contains a selection of papers that were presented at the conference ‘Health, Education, and Retirement over  the  Prolonged  Life  Cycle’,  which  was  organised  by  the  Vienna  Institute  of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and held in Vienna in November 2013. The conference was devoted to the socio-economic causes and consequences at both the individual and the societal level of the unprecedented increase in life expectancy over the past few decades. At the micro level, a better understanding is needed regarding the extent to which the increase in human life expectancy has been shaped by individual health behaviour, rather than by other socio-economic influences, and through which channels this happened. Conversely, it is important to understand better how the prolongation of the life cycle will shape individual behaviour. The conference focused on behaviour relating to health, education, and the supply of labour. Although  generally  perceived  as  a  positive  development,  the  increase  in  life expectancy  also  poses  policy  challenges  for  social  security  and  the  cohesion  of society, given that different social groups benefit from rising longevity to varying degrees. Important questions have been raised about the macro consequences of the prolongation of the individual life cycle, not least because having an understanding of  the  underlying  mechanisms  will  be  crucial  for  assessing  the  extent  to  which retirement, health, and educational policies need to be reformed. The recognition that the design of reforms should be guided by an awareness of the potential effects of policies on individual life-cycle behaviour closes the circle of topics addressed in this volume.<
The remainder of this introduction sets the scene for the articles contained within this volume by presenting the editors’ (subjective and selective) take on the state of research regarding the link between longevity and individual life-cycle behaviour relating to health, education, and retirement

full text  online  (http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7948-1inhalt)