Prof. em. Dr. Dr.h.c.
Heinz W. Engl
Founding Director
Email: Heinz.Engl(at)
Biographical sketch
- born March 28, 1953, in Linz, Austria
married, two daughters - Diploma in Technical Mathematics: Linz 1975
- Doctorate sub auspiciis praesidentis: Linz 1977
- 1972-1975: Teaching Assistant at the Chairs for Operations Research and for Numerical Analysis at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz
- 1976-1981: Assistant Professor, Mathematical Institute, Linz
- 1979: Habilitation for Mathematics, Linz
- 1981: Associate Professor, Johannes Kepler University in Linz
- 1988-2013: Full Professor and holder of the Chair for Industrial Mathematics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz
- 1992-1999: Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation
- 1999-2004: Key Researcher at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg
- 1999-2011: Scientific Head of the Industrial Mathematics Competence Center
- 2003-2011: Founding Director of RICAM
- since 2003: Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Corresponding Member from 2000)
- 2007-2011: Vice Rector for Research and Career Development, University of Vienna
- 2011-2022: Rector of the University of Vienna