Contributions in peer-reviewed journals
Bressler, Sabine; Klatte-Asselmeyer, Valerie; Fischer, Alice; Paule, Juraj and Dobeš, Christoph (2017) Variation in genome size in the Valeriana officinalis complex resulting from multiple chromosomal evolutionary processes. Preslia 89 p.41-61. DOI: 10.23855/preslia.2017.041 [OPEN ACCESS]
Pumpanen, Jukka; Lindén, Aki; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Berninger, Frank; Ilvesniemi, Hannu; Oinonen, Markku; Sonninen, Eloni; Kukumägi, Mai and Heinonsalo, Jussi (2017) The effect of roots and easily available carbon on the decomposition of soil organic matter fractions in boreal forest soil. European Journal of Soil Science 68 p.537-546. DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12439 [Link]
Türtscher, Selina; Berger, Pétra; Lindebner, Leopold and Berger, Torsten W. (2017) Declining atmospheric deposition of heavy metals over the last three decades is reflected in soil and foliage of 97 beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands in the Vienna Woods. Environmental Pollution 230 p.561-573. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.06.080 [OPEN ACCESS]
Other scientific publications
Bohner, A.; Bruckman, V.J.; Dunst, G.; Friesl-Hanl, W. et al. (2017) Biokohle – Anwendung in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Fachbeirat für Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Bodenschutz im BMLFUW. 93 pp [Link]
Bruckman, V.J. and Jandl, R. (2017) Energie aus Biomasse. Forstzeitung 1/2017 p. 22-23. [OPEN ACCESS]
Türtscher, S.; Berger, P.; Lindebner, L.; Berger, T.W. (2017) Rückgang der Schwermetallgehalte, Teil 1. Forstzeitung 9/2017, p. 30-31. [OPEN ACCESS]
Türtscher, S.; Berger, P.; Lindebner, L.; Berger, T.W. (2017) Rückgang der Schwermetallgehalte, Teil 2. Forstzeitung 10/2017, p. 28-30. [OPEN ACCESS]
Nicolescu, V.; Carvalho, J.; Hochbichler, E.; Bruckman, V.J.; Piqué-Nicolau, M.; Hernia, C.; Viana, H.; Stochlova, P.; Ertekin, M.; Tijardovic, M.; Dubravac, T.; Vandekerkhove, K.; Kofman, P.; Rossney, D. and Unrau, A. (2017) Silvicultural guidelines for European coppice forests. COST Action FP1301 Report. Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg [OPEN ACCESS]
Köckinger, Heribert (2017) Die Horn- und Lebermoose Österreichs (Anthocerotophyta und Marchantiophyta). In: Ehrendorfer, Friedrich (Ed.) Catalogus Florae Austriae, II. Teil, Heft 2. Biosystematics and Ecology Series 32, 382 pp [Link]
Winiwarter, Verena (2017) Ecologies of Innovation. KIOES Opinions 6. Vienna, Austria: Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES). DOI:10.1553/KIOESOP_006 [Link]