KIOES Opinions are published by the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW). KIOES publishes current opinions of its members and staff related to topical subjects on an irregular basis in KIOES Opinions. The target audience includes scientists, policy makers and the public. Opinions expressed in this articles are solely those of the author(s), and they do not necessarily reflect in any way those of KIOES or OEAW.
Managing editor:
Dr. Viktor Bruckman
Issue 11 (2021): Weaving the SDGs - A reflection on quadrangles and embodied practices
Issue 10 (2020): Reflections on the Ecology of Landscapes
Issue 9 (2018): Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Biomass Production – Challenges in view of an emerging bioeconomy
Issue 8 (2018): Umwelt und Gesellschaft - Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Politik (in German)
Issue 5 (2016): ACMECS Bioenergy 2015: Three Years of Effort Towards a Regional Bioenergy Network
Issue 4 (2015): National Accounting, Global Warming, and other Challenges for Long-term Economic Forecasting
Issue 3 (2014): Economic Implications of Growing Populations and Changing Demographic Structures
NORTH Christopher P.
Issue 2 (2014): Mean and Variance and Their Changes in Economic Development
doi: 10.1553/KIOESOP_002
Issue 1 (2013): International Financial Markets and Long-Term Environmental Problems
doi: 10.1553/KIOESOP_001
Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna
T +43 51581-3200, -3210