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The Hagia Photia cemetery / by Costis Davaras and Philipp P. Betancourt
The late Minoan III necropolis of Armenoi / edited by Yannis Tzedakis, Holley Martlew, and Robert Arnott with the assistance of Andrew Sparkes
2018 |
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Hagios charalambos : a minoan burial cave in Crete / by Philip P. Betancourt. With contrib. by Costis Davaras ... Ed. by Philip P. Betancourt ...
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Kavousi : the results of the excavations at Kavousi in Eastern Crete / directed by Geraldine C. Gesell, Leslie Preston Day, and William D.E. Coulson
2005 |
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The shrine of Eileithyia : Minoan goddess of childbirth and motherhood at the Inatos Cave in southern Crete / by Günther Hölbl ; with contributions by Philip P. Betancourt and Konstantinos Chalikias ; edited by Philip P. Betancourt, Athanasia Kanta, and Costis Davaras
2022 |
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Marsa Matruh : the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology' excavations on Bates's Islands, Marsa Matruh, Egypt 1985 - 1989 / Donald White. With chapters and shorter contrib. by Donald Bailey ...
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The cave of the Cyclops : Mesolithic and Neolithic networks in the Northern Aegean, Greece / ed. by Adamantios Sampson
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Livari Skiadi : a Minoan cemetery in southeast Crete / by Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou
2015 |
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House X at Kommos : a Minoan mansion near the sea / ed. by Maria C. Shaw and Joseph W. Shaw
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Petras, Siteia : a minoan palatial settlement in Eastern Crete / by Metaxia Tsipopoulou
2016 |
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Kavousi IIC, the late Minoan IIIC settlement at Vronda : specialist reports and analyses / by Leslie Preston Day, Heidi M.C. Dierckx, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton [und 5 weitere] ; edited by Geraldine C. Gesell and Leslie Preston Day
2016 |
2C |
Ayioryitika : the 1928 excavations of Carl Blegen at a Neolithic to Early Helladic settlement in Arcadia / Susan L. Petrakis
2002 |
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Soil science and archaeology : three test cases from Minoan Crete / Michael W. Morris
2002 |
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Mochlos IA : period III, neopalatial settlement on the coast, the artisans' quarter and the farmhouse at Chalinomouri ; the sites / by Jeffrey S. Soles ... Contributions by Thomas M. Brogan ...
2003 |
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Mochlos IB : period III, neopalatial settlement on the coast, the artisans' quarter and the farmhouse at Chalinomouri ; the neopalatial pottery / by Kellee A. Barnard and Thomas M. Brogan. Contributions by Peter M. Day ...
2003 |
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Mochlos IC : period III, neopalatial settlement on the coast, the artisans' quarter and the farmhouse at Chalinomouri ; the small finds / by Jeffrey S. Soles ...
2004 |
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Crete beyond the palaces : proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference / ed. by Leslie Preston Day ...
2004 |
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Kingship in the Mycenaean world and its reflections in the oral tradition / by Ione Mylonas Shear
2004 |
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Akrotiri Thera : an architecture of affluence 3500 years old / by Clairy Palyvou
2005 |
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Tholos tomb gamma : a prepalatial Tholos tomb at Phourni, Archanes / by Yiannis Papadatos ; with a contribution by Sevi Triantaphyllou
2005 |
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Cretan Bronze Age pithoi : traditions and trends in the production and consumption of the storage containers in Bronze Age Crete / by Kostandinos S. Christakis
2006 |
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Cretan Bronze Age pithoi : traditions and trends in the production and consumption of storage containers in Bronze Age Crete / by Kostandinos S. Christakis
2005 |
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Aegean Bronze Age rhyta / by Robert B. Koehl
2006 |
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Midea: the megaron complex and shrine area : excavations on the lower terraces 1994 - 1997 / by Gisela Walberg
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Krinoi kai Limenes : studies in honor of Joseph and Maria Shaw / ed. by Philip P. Betancourt ...
2007 |
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Mochlos IIA : period IV, the Mycenaean settlement and cemetery ; the sites / by Jeffrey S. Soles ... Contributions by Thomas M. Brogan ...
2008 |
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Monastiraki Katalimata : excavation of a Cretan refuge site, 1993 - 2000 / by Krzysztof Nowicki ; with a foreword by Metaxia Tsipopoulou
2008 |
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The politics of storage : storage and sociopolitical complexity in neopalatial Crete / by Kostandinos S. Christakis
2008 |
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Mochlos IIB : period IV, the Mycenaean settlement and cemetery ; the pottery / by R. Angus K. Smith ... Contributions by Eleni Banou ...
2010 |
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Metallurgy : understanding how, learning why ; studies in honor of James D. Muhly / ed. by Philip P. Betancourt and Susan C. Ferrence
2011 |
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Moni Odigitria : a prepalatial cemetery and its environs in the Asterousia, Southern Crete / by Andonis Vasilakis and Keith Branigan. With contrib. by Tim Campbell-Green ...
2010 |
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Mochlos IIC : period IV, the Mycenaean settlement and cemetery / by Jeffrey S. Soles ... ; ed. by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras
2011 |
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Transport stirrup jars of the Bronze Age Aegean and East Mediterranean / Halford W. Haskell ...
2011 |
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Philistor : studies in honor of Costis Davaras / ed. by Eleni Mantzourani ...
2012 |
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An archaeological survey of the Gournia landscape : a regional history of the Mirabello Bay, Crete, in antiquity / by L. Vance Watrous ... Contributions by John Hayes, Angeliki Kossyva, and Eberhard Zangger
2012 |
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Kos in the Neolithic and early Bronze Age : the Halasarna finds and the Aegean settlement pattern / by Mercourios Georgiadis
2012 |
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The prehistory of the Paximadi peninsula, Euboea / by Tracey Cullen ...
2013 |
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Aphrodite's Kephali : an early Minoan I defensive site in eastern Crete / by Philip P. Betancourt. With contributions by Kostas Chalikias ...
2013 |
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The Neolithic settlement of Knossos in Crete : new evidence for the early occupation of Crete and the Aegean islands / ed. by Nikos Efstratiou, Alexandra Karetsou, and Maria Ntinou
2013 |
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Amilla : the quest for excellence ; studies presented to Guenter Kopcke in celebration of his 75th birthday / ed. by Robert B. Koehl
2013 |
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Mortuary behavior and social trajectories in pre- and protopalatial Crete / by Borja Legarra Herrero
2014 |
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Mycenaean Messenia and the Kingdom of Pylos / by Richard Hope Simpson
2014 |
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KE-RA-ME-JA : studies presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine / ed. by Dimitri Nakassis, Joann Gulizio, and Sarah A. James
2014 |
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Mochlos III : the Late Hellenistic settlement ; the beam-press complex / by Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan. Ed. by Jeffrey S. Soles ...
2014 |
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Elite minoan architecture : its development at Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia / by Joseph W. Shaw
2015 |
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The wall paintings of the West House at Mycenae / by Iphiyenia Tournavitou
2017 |
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The Galatas survey : socio-economic and political development of a contested territory in central Crete during the neolithic to Ottoman periods / by L. Vance Watrous, D. Matthew Buell, Eleni Kokinou, Pantelis Soupios, Apostolos Sarris, Sabine Beckmann, Georgos Rethemiotakis, Lee Ann Turner, Scott Gallimore, and Mark D. Hammond ; with contributions by Kapua Iao, Amy Heimroth, and Brice Erickson
2017 |
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Ayia Sotira : a Mycenaean chamber tomb cemetery in the Nemea Valley, Greece / R. Angus K. Smith, Mary K. Dabney, Evangelia Pappi, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, and James C. Wright
2017 |
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The Alatzomouri rock shelter : an early Minoan III deposit in eastern Crete / Vili Apostolakou, Thomas M. Brogan, and Philip P. Betancourt
2017 |
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Kleronomia - legacy and inheritance : studies on the Aegean Bronze Age in honor of Jeffrey S. Soles / edited by Joanne M.A. Murphy and Jerolyn E. Morrison
2022 |
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Alatzomouri Pefka : a middle Minoan IIB workshop making organic dyes / edited by Vili Apostolakou, Thomas M. Brogan, Philip P. Betancourt ; with contributions from Vili Apostolakou, Philip P. Betancourt, Thomas M. Brogan [und 10 weiteren]
2020 |
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Gournes, Pediada : a Minoan cemetery in Crete / by Calliope E. Galanaki ; with contributions by Chrysa Apostolaki [und 23 weiteren]
2021 |
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Göltepe excavations : tin production at an early Bronze Age mining town in the Central Taurus mountains, Turkey / by Kutlu Aslıhan Yener ; with contributions by Müge Bulu [und 13 weiteren]
2021 |
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The Minoan shipwreck at Pseira, Crete / by Elpida Hadjidaki-Marder with contributions by Philip P. Betancourt [und 5 weiteren]
2021 |
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Bramiana : salvaging information from a destroyed Minoan settlement in Southeast Crete / edited bei Vili Apostolakou, Philip P. Betancourt, and Thomas Brogan
2021 |
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Mochlos IVA : period III, the house of the metal merchant and other buildings in the neopalatial town / by Jeffrey S. Soles ; contributions by Tristan Carter [und 14 weiteren] ; edited by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras
2022 |
68 |
An archaeological palimpsest in Minoan Crete : Tholos tomb A and habitation at Apesokari Mesara / by Georgia Flouda ; with contributions by Maciej Chyleński [und 9 weiteren]
2023 |
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The sacred landscape at Leska and Minoan Kythera / by Mercourios Georgiadis
2023 |
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