Tolkovanie Korana : (Lachorskij tafsir) / perevod s persidskogo, vvedenie, primečanija i ukazateli F. I. Abdullaevoj

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Superior document:Pamjatniki pisʹmennosti Vostoka 124
Place / Publishing House:Moskva : Izdatelʹskaja Firma "Vostocnaja Literatura" RAN, 2001
Rok vydání:2001
Edice:Pamjatniki pisʹmennosti Vostoka 124
Fyzický popis:341 Seiten; Faksimiles; 22 cm
  • Persischer Titel auf Umschlag: Tafsīr-i Qurʾān-i pāk
  • Enthält außerdem: Faksimile der persischen Handschrift (Lahore University Library) Seite [249] - 341
  • Literaturverzeichnis Seite 232 -[237]
  • Übersetzung und Kommentar in kyrillischer Schrift, russisch
  • Zsfassung in engl. Sprache S. [342]: ... It contains an annotated translation by the author with a preface dealing with the appearance of this genre of theological prose and its development after the Islamization of the Iranian peoples. The Lahore Commentary of the Qurʾan is a unique manuscript ... The copy was apparently created about thousand years ago ... At present, it contains a fragment of the interpretation of 88 ayats (64-151 and 233) of the Second Surah Al-Baqara ("The Cow"). The text of the Commentary has certain lingustic ... and paleographical peculiarities, which make it one of the most interesting monuments of the Persian prose of the earliest period of the New Persian Language ... The anonymous author of the Lahore Tafsir lived obviously in the region between historical Mawarannahr and Northern Khorasan, not later than 4/11th century"
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