The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini : with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī / ed. with an introd. by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī

Detaylı Bibliyografya
Superior document:Prāchyabhāratī series ...
Place / Publishing House:Varanasi : Tara Book Agency
Seri Bilgileri:Prāchyabhāratī series ...
İçindekiler/parçalar:4 Kayıt
Etiketler: Etiketle
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The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini : with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī / 1 / ed. with an introd. by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 1985 1 1
The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini : with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī / 2 / ed. with an introd. by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 1987 1 2
The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini : with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī / 3 / ed. with an introd. by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 1987 1 3
The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini : with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī / 4 / ed. with an introd. by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 1984 1 4