Superior document: Prāchyabhāratī series ...
Published: 1987
Superior document: The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 3
Published: 1987
Superior document: The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 2
Published: 1984, [i.e., 1985]
Superior document: The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 1
Published: 1984
Superior document: The Mīmāmsā Darśana of Maharṣi Jaimini with Śābarabhāṣya of Śabaramuni with the commentaries of Tantravārtika of Kumārila Bhatta and its commentary Nyāyasudhā of Someśvara Bhatta, Bhāsyavivarana of Govindāmrtamuni and Bhāvaprakāśikā, the Hindi translation by Mahāprabhulāla Gosvāmī 4
Published: 1972
Superior document: Mithilāvidyāpīthagranthamālā 23