Title |
Year |
Edition |
Band |
Literary and linguistic works : 1542, 1549, 1568 / ed. by Bror Danielsson
... |
Alexander Gill's Logonomia Anglica (1619) / by Bror Danielsson ...
... |
Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies : Hässelby, Sept 25 - 27, 1986 / ed. by Ishrat Lindblad ...
... |
MS. Bodley 959 : Genesis - Baruch 3.20 in the earlier version of the Wycliffite Bible / ed. by Conrad Lindberg
... |
King Henry's Bible, MS Bodley 277 : the revised version of the Wyclif Bible / ed. by Conrad Lindberg
... |
Reactions to non-native English : native speakers' assessments of errors in the use of English made by non-native users of the language / by Pär Hultfors
... |
The disputed assignment of "Memoirs of an English officer" to Daniel Defoe / by Stieg Hargevik
... |
The Wycliffe Bible / by Sven L. Fristedt
... |
The earlier version of the Wycliffite Bible / by Conrad Lindberg
... |
The pastoral care / ed. from British Museum MS. Cotton Otho B.ii by Ingvar Carlson. [Pope Gregory. King Alfred's transl.]
... |
John Hart's works on English orthography and pronunciation : 1551, 1569, 1570 / Bror Danielsson
... |
The art of hunting : 1327 ; [dedicated to Kurt Lindner, the erudite master of cynegetics on his 70. birthday] / William Twiti. Ed. by Bror Danielsson
1977 |
1 |
The orthography and pronunciation of Henry Machyn, the London diarist : a study of the South-East Yorkshire dialect in the early 16th century / Axel Wijk
1937 |
1 |
On the use of the definite article with 'Nouns of Possession' in English / by Arthur Ahlgren
1946 |
2 |
Studies on the accentuation of polysyllabic Latin, Greek and Romance loan-words in English with special reference zo those ending in -able, -ate, -ator, -ible, -ic, -ical and -ize / Bror Danielsson
1948 |
3 |
Regularized English : an investigation into the English spelling reform problem with a new, detailed plan for a possible solution / by Axel Wijk
1959 |
7 |
The increasing frequency of the preposition about during the modern English period : with special reference to the verbs say, tell, talk, and speak / by Sverker Brorström
1963 |
9 |
Studies on the use of the preposition of in 15th century correspondence : with special reference to constructions differing from present-day usage / by Sverker Brorström
1965 |
14 |
Old English verbs in -sian : a semantic and derivational study / by Lars-G. Hallander
1966 |
15 |
Unorthodox spelling in American trademarks / by Sven Jacobson
1966 |
16 |
The Gyldenstolpe manuscript : miscellany of poems by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, and other Restauration authors ; Royal Library, Stockholm, MS. Vu. 69 ; collection of English poetry principally political and satyrs from the last years of Charles II / ed. by Bror Danielsson ...
1967 |
17 |
Law and lawyers in Elizabethan England : as evidenced in the plays of Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton
1967 |
18 |
Sound and symbol in the dialogue of the works of Charles Dickens : a survey of the divergencies from normally received spellings in the dialogue of Dickens's works, together with an investigation into Dickens's methods of conveying an impression of divergent sounds of speech / by Stanley Gerson
1967 |
19 |
Plain : a study in co-text and context / by Arne Rudskoger
1970 |
22 |
Studies in English transformational grammar / by Sven Jacobson
1971 |
23 |
Some aspects of psychological predicates in English / by Karin Aijmer
1972 |
24 |
The local sense of the prepositions "over", "above", and "across" : studied in present-day English / by Karl-Gunnar Lindkvist
1972 |
25 |
Old English place-names and field-names containing lēah / by Christer Johansson
1975 |
32 |
Factors influencing the placement of English adverbs in relation to auxiliaries : a study in variation / by Sven Jacobson
1975 |
33 |
A comprehensive study of conceptions of locality in which English prepositions occur / by Karl-Gunnar Lindkvist
1976 |
35 |
The English modal auxiliaries : a stratificational account / by Nils-Lennart Johannesson
1976 |
36 |
"God bless you, my dear Miss Nightingale" : letters from Emmy Carolina Rappe to Florence Nightingale 1867 - 1870 / ed. with an introd., notes, and two appendices by Bertil Johansson
1977 |
38 |
Fuzzy negation in English and Swedish / by Gunnel Tottie
1977 |
39 |
The phonology of Jacques Bellot's Le Maistre d'escole Anglois (1580) : together with readings of the anonymons ed. of 1625, 1639, 1647, 1652, 1657, 1670, 1679 and 1695 / by Monica Bjurman
1977 |
40 |
The adapter adapted : a study of Sir John Vanbrugh's comedy "The mistake" ; its predecessors and successors / by Bertil Johansson
1977 |
41 |
Developments in the terminology of physics and technology / by Kerstin Klasson
1977 |
42 |
Shakespearean plant names : identifications and interpretations / by Mats Rydén
1978 |
43 |
On the use, meaning, and syntax of English preverbal adverbs / by Sven Jacobson
1978 |
44 |
Richard Hodges's "The English primrose" (1644) : a study of the strong-stressed vowels and diphthongs with some regard to A special help to orthographie (1643), The plainest directions (1649), Most plain directions for true-writing (1653) / by Torkel Nöjd
1978 |
45 |
Studies in English philology, linguistics and literature : presented to Alarik Rynell, 7 march 1978 / ed. by Mats Rydén ...
1978 |
46 |
A late middle English treatise on horses : ed. from British Library MS. Sloane 2584 ff. 102-117b / by Anne Charlotte Svinhufvud
1978 |
47 |
"At" versus "on", "in", "by" : on the early history of spatial "at" and certain primary ideas distinguishing "at" from "on", "in", "by" / by Karl-Gunnar Lindkvist
1978 |
49 |
An introduction to the historical study of English syntax / by Mats Rydén
1979 |
51 |
Papers from the Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation : Stockholm, May 18 - 19, 1979 / ed. by Sven Jacobson
1980 |
52 |
Evidence and the declarative sentence / by Karin Aijmer
1980 |
53 |
English pronunciation according to Peter Moberg (1801 ff.) and other Swedes before 1900 / by Rune Nohlgren
1981 |
54 |
Preverbal adverbs and auxiliaries : a study of word order change / by Sven Jacobson
1981 |
55 |
Papers from the Second Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation : Stockholm, May 15 - 16, 1982 / ed. by Sven Jacobson
1983 |
57 |
Also and too : a corpus-based study of their frequency and use in modern English / by Brita Fjelkestam-Nilsson
1983 |
58 |
Be good sweet maid : Charlotte Yonge's domestic fiction ; a study in dogmatic purpose and fictional form / by Catherine Sandbach-Dahlström
1984 |
59 |
The English tag question : a study of sentences containing tags of the type isn't it?, is it? / by Siv Nässlin
1984 |
60 |
The English plant names in the Grete Herball(1526) : a contribution to the historical study of English plant-name usage / by Mats Rydén
1984 |
61 |
British and American scouting and guiding terminology : a lexo-semantic study / by Sven Jacobson
1985 |
62 |
Mrs. Humphry Ward : a study in late-Victorian feminine consciousness and creative expression / by Anne M. Bindslev
1985 |
63 |
A corpus of Shetland English / ed. by Bengt Oreström
1985 |
64 |
Papers from the third Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation : Stockholm, May 11-12, 1985 / ed. by Sven Jacobson
1986 |
65 |
A child is a child, you know : the inversion of father and daughter in Dickens's novels / by Catarina Ericsson
1986 |
66 |
"Alice's adventures in Wonderland" and "Gravity's rainbow" : a study in duplex fiction / by Danuta Zadworna-Fjellestad
1986 |
68 |
Pragmatic expressions in English : a study of "You know, you see" and "I mean" in face-to-face conversation / by Britt Erman
1987 |
69 |
The be/have variation with intransitives in English : with special reference to the late modern period / Mats Rydén ; Sverker Brorström
1987 |
70 |
Antedatings and additions for OED : from the catalogue of prints of political and personal satire in the British Museum / Alarik Rynell
1987 |
72 |
Psychological vision and social criticism in the novels of Thomas Hardy / by Lennart A. Björk
1987 |
75 |
Criticism in the twilight zone : postmodern perspectives on literature and politics / ed. with a forew. by Danuta Zadworna-Fjellestad. Co-Ed. by Lennart Björk
1990 |
77 |
A study of TEFL vocabulary / by Magnus Ljung
1990 |
78 |
Native-speaker reactions to Swedish pronunciation errors in English : recognition, intelligibility and attitude / by Pia Norell
1991 |
79 |
Sense developments : a contrastive study of the development of slang senses and novel standard senses in English / Beatrice Warren
1992 |
80 |
What else can I tell you? : a pragmatic study of English rhetorical questions as discursive and argumentative acts / by Cornelia Ilie
1994 |
82 |
The paradox of self-love : Christian elements in George Eliot's treatment of egoism / by Helena Granlund
1994 |
83 |
Nonstandard varieties of language : papers from the Stockholm symposium 11 - 13 April, 1991 / ed. by Gunnel Melchers ...
1994 |
84 |
Studies in anglistics / ed. by Gunnel Melchers ...
1995 |
85 |
Eroticism, ethics and reading : Angela Carter in dialogue with Roland Barthes / by Yvonne Martinsson
1996 |
86 |
Shallow brooks and rivers wide : a study of lexical and semantic change in English nouns denoting 'watercourse' / by Gabriella Rundblad
1998 |
88 |
Searing apparent surfaces : infernal females in four early works of William Blake / Dee Drake
2000 |
90 |
The birthright and the blessing : narrative as exegesis in three of Thackeray's later novels / Marion Heifer Wajngot
2000 |
91 |
Language structure and variation / ed. by Magnus Ljung
2000 |
92 |
The plane of uncreatedness : a phenomenological study of Anita Brookner's late fiction / Inger Björkblom
2001 |
93 |
English in spoken swedish : a corpus study of two discourse domains / by Harriet Sharp
2001 |
95 |
A steady flameless light : the phenomenology of realness in Dorothy Canfield Fisher's The Brimming Cup, Her Son's Wife and Rough-Hewn / Annika Ljung-Baruth
2002 |
96 |
Immanence and transcendence in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon : a phenomenological study / Joakim Sigvardson
2002 |
97 |
Mary Wollstonecraft's journey to scandinavia: essays / Anka Ryall & Catherine Sandbach-Dahlström
2003 |
99 |