Title |
Year |
Edition |
Band |
Aspects of women in antiquity : proceedings of the First Nordic Symposium on Women's Lives in Antiquity ; Göteborg 12 - 15 June 1997 / ed. by Lena Larsson Lovén & Agneta Strömberg
1998 |
53 |
Tamassos : ein antikes Königreich auf Zypern / von Hans-Günter Buchholz und Klaus Untiedt
1996 |
136 |
Per terram, per mare : seaborne trade and the distribution of Roman amphorae in the Mediterranean ; [international conference, 12-15 April, 2013, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus] / ed. by Stella Demesticha
2015 |
180 |
The ceramics industry of Roman Sikyon : a technological study / by Conor P. Trainor
2015 |
181 |
Myth, drama and style in South Italian vase-painting : selected papers / by A.D. Trendall ; edited by Ian McPhee
2016 |
182 |
Maritime transport containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterrranean / edited by Stella Demesticha and A. Bernard Knapp
2016 |
183 |
Ancient Cyprus today : museum collections and new research / edited by Giorgos Bourogiannis and Christian Mühlenbock
2016 |
184 |
Text and the material world : essays in honour of Graeme Clarke / edited by Elizabeth Minchin and Heather Jackson
2017 |
185 |
Structures of inequality on Bronze Age Cyprus : studies in honour of Alison K. South / edited by Linda Hulin, Lindy Crewe and Jennifer M. Webb
2018 |
187 |
Wine jars and jar makers of Cyprus : the ethnoarchaeology of "pitharia" / Gloria London
2020 |
188 |
Eastern Mediterranean economic networks in the age of the Crusades : the case of the Peloponnese / Katerina Ragkou
2020 |
189 |
Interaction and identity - Sicily and South Italy from the Iron Age to Late Antiquity / edited by Gillian Shepherd
2021 |
190 |
Amphorae from the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond : production and distribution form the early to the late Roman period / edited by Anthi Kaldeli
2022 |
191 |
Die Askoi in der Bronzezeit : eine typologische Studie zur Entwicklung askoider Gefäßformen in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit Griechenlands und angrenzender Gebiete / von Peter Misch
1992 |
PB,100 |
Late Cypriote terracotta figurines : a study in context / by Patrick Begg
1991 |
PB,101 |
Antik ekonomi : tematiska studier av den antika ekonomins karaktär och utvecklingsmöjligheter / av Bertil Andersson
1991 |
PB,103 |
Die griechischen Sarkophage der archaischen und klassichen [klassischen] Zeit / von Ingrid Hitzl
1991 |
PB,104 |
Untersuchungen zur handgemachten Keramik Griechenlands in der submykenischen, protogeometrischen und der geometrischen Zeit / von Karl Reber
1991 |
PB,105 |
Pedestalled offering tables in the Aegean world / by Lefteris Platon ; Yannis Pararas
1991 |
PB,106 |
Northern Cyprus in the transition from the early to the middle Cypriot period : typology, relative and absolute chronology of some early Cypriotic III to middle Cypriotic I tombs / by Ina Kehrberg
1995 |
PB,108 |
Anthropomorphic representations in prehistoric Cyprus : a formal and symbolic analysis of figurines, C. 3500 - 1800 B.C. / by Anna Laetitia a Campo
1994 |
PB,109 |
The Nelson and Helen Glueck collection of Cypriot antiquities, Cincinnati / by Gisela Walberg
1992 |
PB,111 |
Resedagbok i Grekland / av Hjalmar Gullberg. Utg. av Carl Fehrman ...
1993 |
PB,113 |
Fourth Century B.C. Magna Graecia: a case study / by M. Gualtiere (ed.). Texts by: S. Bökönyi ...
1993 |
PB,114 |
On the Rycroft Painter and other Athenian black-figure vase-painters with a feeling for nature / by Erik J. Holmberg
1992 |
PB,115 |
The twilight of the Early Helladics : a study of the disturbances in east-central and southern Greece towards the end of the Early Bronze Age / by Jeannette Forsén
1992 |
PB,116 |
Etruscan imagery : symbol and meaning / Gösta Säflund
1993 |
PB,118 |
Underwater investigations at roman minturnae : Liris-Garigliano River ; [Part I u. Part II] / S. Dominic Ruegg
1995 |
PB,119 |
Bronze Age White Painted I ware in Cyprus : a reinvestigation / by Anna-Greta Samuelson
1993 |
PB,121 |
The role and development of metallurgy in the late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Greece / Veronica McGeehan Liritzis
1996 |
PB,122 |
Male or female? : a methodological study of grave gifts as sex-indicators in Iron Age burials from Athens / by Agneta Strömberg
1993 |
PB,123 |
Konstantin Kavafis' samlade publicerade dikter / översättning av Gottfried Grunewald
1993 |
2 |
PB,124 |
Vattenvård och rätt till vatten i forntidens Grekland / av Gunnar Michelson
1994 |
PB,125 |
Late Bronze Age settlement in Cyprus : function and relationship / Paul Åström ... (eds.)
1996 |
PB,126 |
Mycenaean Athens / P. A. Mountjoy
1995 |
PB,127 |
Resedagbok i Grekland : från Hitlers Berlin till Apollons Olympia / av Karin Boye. Utgiven med inledning och kommentarer av Paul Åström
1994 |
PB,128 |
Kort sagt : en historia byggd på anekdoter, citat och termer / av Alf Uddholm
1994 |
PB,129 |
Ricerche archeologico-ambientali dell'Istria settentrionale: la valle del fiume Risano / Giordano Labud
1995 |
PB,130 |
Östen Sjöstrand och antiken / av Paul Åström
1995 |
PB,131 |
Sökandet efter Lycksalighetens ö : dokumentärroman om Johan Hedenborg: läkare - forskningsresande - samlare / av Carl-Magnus Stolt
1995 |
PB,132 |
Tuscanica : an Etruscan picture-book / composed and explained by Arvid Andrén
1995 |
PB,133 |
Trade and production in premonetary Greece - aspects of trade : proceedings of the Third International Workshop, Athens 1993 / ed. by Carole Gillis ; Christina Risberg and Birgitta Sjöberg
1995 |
PB,134 |
Rome and the North / eds.: Alvar Ellegård ...
1996 |
PB,135 |
Fishing in the prehistoric Aegean / by Judith Powell
1996 |
PB,137 |
The late Helladic pottery from Prosymna / by Kim S. Shelton
1996 |
PB,138 |
Archaeology: more artifacts and artifiction / by Henry Hankey
1996 |
PB,139 |
Minoan religion : a bibliography / compiled by Inger Marie Ruud
1996 |
PB,141 |
Trade and production in premonetary Greece : production and the craftsman ; proceedings of the 4th and 5th international workshops, Athens 1994 and 1995 / ed. by Carole Gillis ...
1997 |
PB,143 |
Music in the Aegean Bronze Age / by John G. Younger
1998 |
PB,144 |
Vid vägs ände : en rapsodi från Grönlands berg till Nubiens brända dalar / Torgny Säve-Söderbergh
1996 |
PB,145 |
Cypern i historiens spegel / Red.: Lars Linge
1997 |
PB,146 |
Kairos : studies in art history and literature in honour of Professor Gunilla Åkerström-Hougen / ed. by Elisabeth Piltz ...
1998 |
PB,147 |
Building in Cyclopean masonry : with special reference to the Mycenaean fortifications on Mainland Greece / N. Claire Loader
1998 |
PB,148 |
Spindle whorls : a study of form, function and decoration in prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus / by Lindy Crewe
1998 |
PB,149 |
Asine : en svensk utgrävningsplats i Grekland / Carl-Gustaf Styrenius
1998 |
PB,151 |
Myter i marmor : grekiska konstverk i romerska museer / av Gösta Säflund
1999 |
PB,152 |
Trade and production in premonetary Greece : acquisition and distribution of raw materials and finished products ; proceedings of the 6th International Workshop in Athens 1996 / ed by Carole Gillis ...
2000 |
PB,154 |
Minoan architecture : a contextual analysis / Louise A. Hitchcock
2000 |
PB,155 |
Peak sanctuaries and sacred caves in Minoan Crete : [a] comparison of artifacts / Donald W. Jones
1999 |
PB,156 |
Cypriote archaeology in Göteborg : papers presented at a Symposium on Cypriote Archaeology held in Göteborg 20 May 1998 / ed. by Karin H. Niklasson
1999 |
PB,157 |
Out of the mouths of pots : towards an interpretation of the symbolic meaning of Cypriot Bronze Age funerary artefacts including examples in the University of Canterbury's Logie Collection / by Rose Mary Washbourne
2000 |
PB,158 |
Klavdhia-Tremithos, : a middle and late Cypriote bronze age site / Kjell Malmgren
2003 |
PB,159 |
The treasuries at Delphi : an architectural study / by Elena C. Partida
2000 |
PB,160 |
Zyprische Fibeln : Typologie und Chronologie / von Katharina Giesen
2001 |
PB,161 |
The world of the early Etruscans : Göteborgs Universitet: the Félix Neubergh Lecture, 2000 / by David Ridgway
2002 |
PB,162 |
Resedagbok i Grekland / av Gösta Säflund
2003 |
PB,163 |
Annaler I - V : ab excessu divi Augusti = Annales / Tacitus. Från latin till svenska av Ivan Svalenius
2003 |
PB,164 |
Karthago : det svenska deltagandet i UNESCO-utgrävningarna / Carl-Gustaf Styrenius
2003 |
PB,165 |
Gender, cult, and culture in the Ancient World from Mycenae to Byzantium : proceedings of the Second Nordic Symposium on Gender and Women's History in Antiquity, Helsinki 20 - 22 October 2000 / ed. by Lena Larsson Lovén ...
2003 |
PB,166 |
On opium, pots, people and places : selected papers ; an honorary volume for Robert S. Merrillees
2003 |
PB,167 |
De fantastiska åren på Cypern : brev till föräldrarna 1927 - 1931 / av Alfred Westholm
2006 |
PB,168 |
The fantastic years on Cyprus : illustrated extracts from Alfred Westholm's letters to his parents 1927 - 1931 / ed. by Niki Eriksson
2007 |
PB,169 |
August Strindberg och den grekisk-romerska antiken / Anders Ollfors
2007 |
PB,170 |
Function and ethnicity : "bathtubs" from late Bronze Age Cyprus / David Collard
2008 |
PB,171 |
Public roles and personal status : men and women in antiquity ; proceedings of the Third Nordic Symposium on Gender and Women's History in Antiquity, Copenhagen, 3 - 5 October 2003 / ed. by Lena Larsson Lovén ...
2007 |
PB,172 |
Trade and production in premonetary Greece : crossing borders ; proceedings of the 7th, 8th and 9th international workshops, Athens 1997 - 1999 / ed. by Carole Gillis ...
2008 |
PB,173 |
Immovable offertory installations in Late Bronze Age Cyprus / by Yannis Pararas
2008 |
PB,174 |
The Swedish Cyprus Expedition : 80 years ; proceedings of the Symposium in Honour of the memory of Einar Gjerstad Held in the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, 28 September 2007 / Paul Åström ... (eds)
2008 |
PB,175 |
Ambiguity and Minoan Neopalatial seal imagery / by Erin McGowan
2011 |
PB,176 |
The "Ochsenkrater-Grab" from Nicosia Ayia Paraskevi / by R. S. Merrillees
2012 |
PB,177 |
The manufacture of Minoan metal vessels: theory and practice / by Christina F. Clarke
2013 |
PB,178 |
Epigraphy, numismatics, prosopography and history of Cyprus : papers in honor of Ino Nicolaou
2013 |
PB,179 |
Kamares : a study of the character of palatial Middle Minoan pottery / by Gisela Walberg
1987 |
2 |
PB,49 |
The late Helladic I pottery of the Southwestern Peloponnesos and its local characteristics / by Yannos B. Lólos
PB,50 |
The Aegean and the East : an investigation into the transference of artistic motifs between the Aegean, Egypt, and the Near East in the Bronze Age / by Janice L. Crowley
1989 |
PB,51 |
Modern Grekisk poesi : en antologi (slutet av 1700-talet till andra världskrigets början) / översättning: Gottfried Grunewald
1987 |
PB,52 |
Women's lib i Aristophanes' Athen? / av Birgitta Kurtén-Lindberg
1987 |
PB,53 |
Subgeometric pottery from Southern Etruria / by Sarah Stuart Leach
1987 |
PB,54 |
Der Thiasos : eine ikonographische Untersuchung über das Gefolge des Dionysos in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. / von Angelika Schöne
1987 |
PB,55 |
Roman surgical instruments and minor objects in the University of Mississippi / by Lawrence J. Bliquez
1988 |
PB,58 |
Horatius, satirer och epistlar : i urval / originaltexter och översättningar av Arvid Andrén
1988 |
PB,59 |
Nikos Kazantzakis' filosofiska testamente : ett urval / översättning: Gottfried Grunewald ...
1988 |
PB,60 |
Rilke / ett urval tolkningar av Patrik Reuterswärd
1988 |
PB,61 |
Déplacements de la ligne de rivage et sites archéologiques dans les régions côtières de la mer Egée, au Néolithique et l'Age du Bronze / by Olga Psychoyos
1988 |
PB,62 |
Barjona eller åskans son / av Jean-Paul Sartre. Översättning av Benkt-Erik Benktson
1988 |
PB,63 |
Odysseia : ett modernt epos ; prologen och första sången / [av Nikos Kazantzakis]. Översättning: Gottfried Grunewald ...
1988 |
PB,64 |
Lapis lazuli in geological contexts and in ancient written sources / by Lissie von Rosen
1988 |
PB,65 |
Briefe an Tora Vega Holmström / Rainer Maria Rilke. Hrsg. von Birgit Rausing ...
1989 |
PB,66 |
Delphindarstellungen von der minoischen bis zur geometrischen Zeit / von Karola Czernohaus
1988 |
PB,67 |
The iconography of Attic Late Geometric II pottery / by Theodora Rombos
1988 |
PB,68 |