Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft

The DMG was established on 2 October 1845 in Leipzig by leading Oriental scholars from Germany, as well as members of other Orientalist societies such as the Asiatic Societies in Paris (the Société Asiatique), London (the Royal Asiatic Society), and Calcutta (the Asiatic Society). It was founded "to promote all aspects of the knowledge of Asia and of the countries closely related to it in every aspect, and to propagate participation of this in wider circles. Hence the Society will deal not only with oriental literature (''morgenländische Literatur'') but also with the history of these countries and the research of their situation both earlier and more recent times."
The DMG has traditionally concentrated on the "knowledge of languages, literatures, history, religions and philosophies, forms of law and society, archaeology, and the art and material culture of the people living in these areas". In recent years, its scope has expanded to include sociology and political science as well. The academic disciplines represented in the DMG include the following: Ancient Near Eastern studies, Semitic languages, Jewish studies, Arabic studies, Islamic studies, the study of Oriental Christianity, Persian studies and Iranian studies, Indology, Turkish studies, Central Asian studies, Indo-European studies, Mongolian studies, Tibetan studies, Sinology, Japanese studies, Southeast Asian studies, and African studies.
The publishing program of the DMG consists of its internationally renowned journal, the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG), published since 1847, and its monograph series, ''Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes'' (AKM), published since 1857, as well as the ''Beiruter Texte und Studien'' (BTS), which have been published since 1964.
In 1870 in occasion of their 25th anniversary they commissioned a medal to honour their first secretarys of the DMG Hermann Brockhaus, Emil Rödiger, Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer and August Friedrich Pott. The frontside shows an image in neo-classical style designed by Theodor Grosse.
Beginning in 1921, every three to five years the DMG has organized the "Deutschen Orientalistentag" (DOT), a congress of Oriental studies open to all German and foreign specialists in the field.
The DMG has been based since 2006 in Halle (Saale). It maintains a research library there with more than 66,000 titles and a photographic collection.
The Lidzbarski Gold Medal for Semitic Philology is awarded annually by the German Oriental Society for work in Semitic studies and named after Mark Lidzbarski. Provided by Wikipedia
Published: 1868-1905
Published: anfangs;, früher;, früher;, früher;, [1857?]-
Published: 1929-[?]
Published: 1993
Superior document: Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 50,3
Published: 2001
Superior document: Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 53,3
Published: 1961-
Published: 2012
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 18 T. 4
Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
Published: 2017
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Band 10 Teil 12
Published: 2014
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 12, Chinesische und Manjurische Handschriften und seltene Drucke, T. 7
Published: 1994
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 17. Arabische Handschriften, Reihe B, Teil 3, [Bd. 1]
Published: 1979
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Band 11 Teil 7
Published: 2014
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 12, Chinesische und Manjurische Handschriften und seltene Drucke, T. 2
Published: 1995
Published: 2012
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 13, [Türkische Handschriften], 24 : Alttürkische Handschriften, T. 16
Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
Published: 1976
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 17. Arabische Handschriften, Reihe B, Teil 1
Published: 2000
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 17, Arabische Handschriften, Reihe B, T. 5, Die Handschriften der Sammlung Oskar Rescher in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Bd. 2
“...Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft...”
“...Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft...”
Links: Resolving-System; Digitalisierung; EZB; Langzeitarchivierung; urheberrechtsfreie Bände
Access note: Frei zugänglich
Links: Resolving-System; Digitalisierung; EZB; Langzeitarchivierung; urheberrechtsfreie Bände
Access note: Frei zugänglich
Published: 2008
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 11, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, T. 14
Published: 2006
Superior document: Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Bd. 17, Arabische Handschriften, Reihe B, T. 6, Die Handschriften der Sammlung Oskar Rescher in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Bd. 3