1. Anyone submitting a contribution warrants that all relevant legal provisions (e.g. archival, copyright, criminal law provisions) have been observed and that he or she will indemnify the publisher and editorial staff in the event of an infringement of rights for which he or she is responsible or liable.
2. The work must be carried out in a methodologically flawless manner and be based on the latest state of research. It should not merely reflect the current state of research, however, but should develop it further on the basis of the authors’ own ideas. Personal value judgements are permitted to a limited degree but must be clearly distinguished from scholarly assertions. Polemical statements must be avoided. All schorlarly assertions must be verifiable. Usually, this shall be achieved by providing adequate evidence of the relevant sources.
The term "source" is used here and in the following to refer to sources in the historiographical sense (archival, printed, material, audiovisual sources, etc.) as well as to scholarly secondary literature.
3. Each academic work cited in the footnotes shall also be listed in the bibliography. Conversely, the bibliography will contain only those titles that have already been cited in the footnotes.
4. Academic misconduct shall be deemed to have occurred especially if sources are deliberately omitted or an incorrect meaning is intentionally attributed to them.
5. It is unethical to cite certain authors, including oneself, more often or less often for unobjective (personal) reasons than would be warranted by the subject matter of the contribution.
6. Gender-sensitive lang uage is encouraged, but not at the expense of grammar or when it would result in an unreasonable impediment to readability. Alibi references, for example in the form of a generalising footnote (“In all references to persons, the chosen form applies to both genders” or similar), are unwelcome.
7. Plagiarism is the deliberate and unlawful adoption of another’s intellectual property: the author uses, in whole or in part, works by others in his or her own work without acknowledging the source. It is irrelevant whether the other person’s work has been taken over verbatim or slightly altered. The following cases in particular are considered plagiarism:
(a) if another person’s work is passed off as one’s own with or without the consent of the actual author (ghostwriting or complete plagiarism)
(b) if a portion of another’s work is taken over without an adequate reference to the source (citation without reference)
(c) if a foreign-language work is translated and reproduced without appropriate reference to the source (translation plagiarism)
8. Using special software, each contribution is checked to see if any plagiarism has occurred. If plagiarism is detected through this or any other means before publication, this leads to the immediate rejection of the contribution; the editorial board reserves the right to impose further sanctions (e.g. blocking the submission of further contributions) in particularly serious cases. If scientific misconduct is only discovered after the article has been published, the online version will be taken offline.
9. The editorial board reserves the right to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed in a subsequent issue of the journal (in print and online).