Thu, 12.05.2022 – 13.05.2022

Handlungsspielräume, Netzwerke und transregionale Kontexte

Global Eurasia, Workshop II


Global Eurasia – Comparison and Connectivity“ is a joint initiative of the institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) researching in various fields of humanities and social sciences. This workshop (from a series of three events) is devoted to the topics of agency, networks and transregional contexts in the past and present.

In four thematic sessions, a keynote by an invited specialist (of 40 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion) is followed by contributions (of 20 minutes each) of members of the Global Eurasia-initiative presenting relevant aspects of their research at the OEAW. A general discussion will conclude each of the thematic sessions.

The aim is to identify joint research questions and methodological approaches as basis for further cooperation both within the Austrian Academy and with scholars across the globe.


Programme  |  PDF

Thursday, 12 May

Opening and Welcome

10:00 Welcome by Walter Pohl | IMAFO, OEAW
speaker of the Global Eurasia-Initiative

10:15 Welcome by Claudia Rapp | IMAFO, OEAW
on behalf of the organisers of the workshop

Infrastructures, routes, networks, spaces and social cohesion

Moderator: Claudia Rapp

10:30 Keynote | online:
Majid Labaf-Khaneiki | University of Nizwa, Oman
Irrigation in the Iranian Highlands: Inner-Territorial, Trans-Territorial and Inter-Regional Dynamics of Cohesion


Christine Nölle-Karimi | IFI, OEAW
The Oasis of Herat: Early Modern Concepts of Space

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | IMAFO, OEAW
The stomach of the city and the limits of cohesion. Supply networks, urban metabolisms, climate change and social upheaval in three episodes from 11th century Byzantium, Egypt and China

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

Religious mobilities from the local to the global scale

Moderator: Martin Slama

14:00 Keynote
Wilson Chacko Jacob | Concordia University, Montreal
(De)Territorializing Life: The Sufi, the State, and the Problem of Politics in a Religious World


Clemens Gantner | IMAFO, OEAW
From Italy to the Holy Land. The journey of Bernardus the Monk, c. 865

Brigitte Pickl-Kolaczia | IKGA, OEAW
Networks and Agency in a Japanese Early Modern Village through the Lens of Religious Practice

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

Border zones and boundaries: regions, languages, disciplines

Moderator: Max Diesenberger

16:30 Keynote
Jan Hasil | Institute for Archeology, CAS
Pre-Přemyslid Bohemia (7th to 9th centuries) at the cultural boundaries: the latest research at the Institute of Archaeology in Prague


Pavlina Rychterova | IMAFO, OEAW
Přemyslid Bohemia (10th-12th century) and the cultural boundaries: Textual sources and their interpretation

Mihailo St. Popović | IMAFO, OEAW
Historical Geography, Digital Humanities and Database Systems: an Approach to reconstruct “Sacred Landscapes” – the Case of Medieval Duklja and Raška (today’s Montenegro and Serbia)


Presentation of Global Eurasia-Videos

Max Diesenberger, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller

19:30 Dinner for participants and invited guests


Friday, 13 May

The circulations of objects, people, styles and media

Moderator: Johannes Preiser-Kapeller

10:00 Keynote:
Elizabeth A. Lambourn | De Montfort University, Leicester
“No importance and no value”? – Geniza sources on personal shopping and the forging of transregional trade networks


Martin Slama | ISA, OEAW
Networks and Marriage among Diasporic Hadhramis in Indonesia: From Pre-Digital to Social Media Contexts

Nikolaus Schindel | OEAI, OEAW
Gab es eine komnenische Münzprägung in Nordsyrien?

12:00 Farewell and Lunch

14:00 Optional city walk of the historical centre of Vienna for external guests
Guide: Johannes Preiser-Kapeller




12-13 May 2022

Hybrid Workshop



Hollandstraße 11-13, 1. Stock
1020 Wien


Claudia Rapp
Maximilian Diesenberger

and via ZOOM

Please register here:

Registration participation via ZOOM
