• The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • © Pixabay.com

    The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

About the Commission

The aims of the Commission for Astronomy are:

  • the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics
  • the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach

The coordination with and scientific exchange with national institutions (e.g. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Astronomie und Astrophysik ÖGAA) as well as with international institutions and unions (e.g. International Astronomical Union IAU, Astronomische Gesellschaft AG, Astronomy & Astrophysics A&A, European Association for Solar Telescopes EAST) shall be maintained and intensified.

The Commission for Astronomy aims to establish a collaborative network built on Austrian expertise in Astro- and Space Physics, namely, the groups of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna, Astro- and Particle Physics of the University of Innsbruck, Astrophysics of the University of Graz (IGAM), Space Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz, and of Lithospheric Research of the University of Vienna.

Public outreach and science communication (media, educational institutions, Littrow Lectures, ‘Science goes School’) is part of the mission of the Commission.


Historic background

The Astronomical Commission was founded on March 3, 1967, by the ‘Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse’ (Section of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences) and renamed on October 15, 1992 in Commission for Astronomy. First head of the Commission was K. Ferrari d'Occhiepo, w.M. (*9.12.1907 – ✝18.3.2007). The Commission for Astronomy is an advisory board in the Section of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. The Commission was closed as of 31.12.2012.

The foundation of the Commission for Astronomy took place at the constitutive meeting on May 22, 2013, with new members and under a new chair. The Commission for Astronomy is still inside the Section of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


Fri, 20.05.2022 13:08


13. Mai 2022, 13.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Ein Symposium anlässlich der Verleihung der NAEC-Preise für Vorwissenschaftliche Maturaarbeiten zu Astrophysik, Raumfahrt und Weltraumforschung.

Der forschende Blick zum Nachthimmel beschäftigt die Menschheit seit Anbeginn und hat seine Faszination nie verloren. Mit immer besseren und ausgefeilteren Teleskopen oder Satelliten blickt die Menschheit mit atemberaubender Genauigkeit und immer tiefer in die unendlichen Weiten denn je. Kaum eine Woche vergeht ohne spektakuläre Entdeckungen, sei es in der Raumfahrt, unserem Sonnensystem, der Milchstraße oder den tiefen Weiten des Universums. 

Um diesen Themenbereich auch im Bildungsbereich von professioneller Seite unterstützen zu können, hat im Jahre 2020 die Internationale Astronomische Union das Office of Astronomy for Education, auf nationaler Ebene unterstützt durch National Astronomical Education Coordinators (NAEC Austria), ins Leben gerufen. Die österreichische NAEC Gruppe arbeitet hierfür eng mit der Österreichischen Akademie  der Wissenschaften als nationale Trägerorganisation der IAU, der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Astronomie und Astrophysik (ÖGAA), sowie dem European Space Education Resource Office Austria (ESERO Austria) der Europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde ESA zusammen.

Die NAEC Austria Tagung „Schule und Weltraum 2022" bringt Schüler*innen, Pädagog*innen und Wissenschafter*innen zusammen, und bietet eine Plattform um Informationen zur aktuellen Forschung, Citizen-Science Projekten und zu Projekten für Schulen auszutauschen und Kontakte zu knüpfen. Darüber hinaus werden im Rahmen dieses Symposium Preise für die besten Vorwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (AHS) bzw. Diplomarbeiten (BHS) aus den Themenbereichen Astronomie, Astrophysik, Weltraummissionen und Raumfahrt vergeben.


  • The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • © Pixabay.com

    The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.


About the Commission

The aims of the Commission for Astronomy are:

  • the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics
  • the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach

The coordination with and scientific exchange with national institutions (e.g. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Astronomie und Astrophysik ÖGAA) as well as with international institutions and unions (e.g. International Astronomical Union IAU, Astronomische Gesellschaft AG, Astronomy & Astrophysics A&A, European Association for Solar Telescopes EAST) shall be maintained and intensified.

The Commission for Astronomy aims to establish a collaborative network built on Austrian expertise in Astro- and Space Physics, namely, the groups of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna, Astro- and Particle Physics of the University of Innsbruck, Astrophysics of the University of Graz (IGAM), Space Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz, and of Lithospheric Research of the University of Vienna.

Public outreach and science communication (media, educational institutions, Littrow Lectures, ‘Science goes School’) is part of the mission of the Commission.


Historic background

The Astronomical Commission was founded on March 3, 1967, by the ‘Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse’ (Section of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences) and renamed on October 15, 1992 in Commission for Astronomy. First head of the Commission was K. Ferrari d'Occhiepo, w.M. (*9.12.1907 – ✝18.3.2007). The Commission for Astronomy is an advisory board in the Section of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. The Commission was closed as of 31.12.2012.

The foundation of the Commission for Astronomy took place at the constitutive meeting on May 22, 2013, with new members and under a new chair. The Commission for Astronomy is still inside the Section of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

  • The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

  • © Pixabay.com

    The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.

The aims of the Commission for Astronomy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are the coordination of scientific exchange and cooperation on research on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics and the transfer of scientific knowledge to the public via Public Outreach.